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  1. L

    magnesium deficiency?

    okay, thanks. i'll try the epsome salt thing. I don't think it is root bound - the soil is gardener's supply transplanting mix with a handful of worm castings thrown in. and some perlite and vermiculite. and a small bit of Epsom Organic Traditions Garden Lime I added later to counteract the EJ...
  2. L

    magnesium deficiency?

    This is my fat triploid swiss bliss i was hoping to switch into 12/12 this weekend, but i noticed this leaf edge curl. in the stickies above, it says to add dolomitic lime or epsom salts. The ph of the soil is 6.4 - 6.8, so won't adding dolomitic lime or epsom salts raise it too much? Can i...
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    Swiss Bliss and BurmaBerry x BlueThunder

    Hi All. This is my current grow. Right now these plants are vegging under a 600MH, waiting to get a replacement HPS bulb so i can flip them into flowering. They are in 3.75 gallon buckets. I'm feeding them according to jmansweed's schedule for EJ nutes -...
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    2nd grow

    putting the little snipped leaf on a dark piece of paper or dark surface (i use black paper) helps with seeing the differences between clear/cloudy/amber trichs
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    Clones taking 3+ weeks to root. . . .

    I have yet to try a controlled experiment of this on weed or any other plant, but apparently, if you take the cuttings right after a full moon - when all the plants energy is drawn up into the leaves, you will have a higher success rate. bio-dynamic gardening. never heard anything about if it...
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    length /# of internodes for clones

    thanks, guys - between the recommended reading/watching and hushpuppy's description of what the difference between FIMing and topping is, i think i know what to do. love the sound of "cactus-like towers of bud"!!!
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    length /# of internodes for clones

    i'm familiar with high stress training and low stress training, but what is FIMing? i did a quick search and nothing came up.
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    length /# of internodes for clones

    I have a few plants i REALLY want to switch to flower, but want to take cuttings of them first. there are side branches, but they aren't moving very fast - most have between two and four internodes. how long / how many internodes should a branch generally have before being taken as a cutting? I...
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    Ducks are such friendly, sweet animals. we used to live next door to a girl who had two as pets. they followed her around, loved to be petted and squeezed and were very trusting. My boyfriend would hide in the house every time they were out because he wanted to still be able to enjoy eating...
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    Plants in Window...

    whoa. so, a plant can have preflower nads and still be a female?!? what about the other way around?
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    Nute Study

    Holy Crap!! this is awesome - thanks for researching it and posting it - i've wondered what i've been doing wrong.
  12. L

    seeds started to germ, then nothing

    the cheese had started to loose a little of it's glistening whiteness, which prompted me to freak out and come on here for help. but no slime or real brown. (crosses fingers, knocks on real and fake wood)
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    seeds started to germ, then nothing

    okay, done. thanks. hope i didn't kill the poor wee things.
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    seeds started to germ, then nothing

    I'm hoping someone can tell me what is going wrong. I started 4 seeds - 2 paradise seeds swiss bliss, 1 big buddah cheese, and one 5 year old burmaberry/bluethunder seed. the five year old one sprouted just fine and is a nice healthy seedling. nothing was happening with the others, so i gave...
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    Dr Chronics seeds

    i ordered a pile of seeds from dr chronic in may. everything seemed okay, i got a confirmation email and a notice the seeds were being sent. i waited almost a month before emailing to say nothing had arrived. it took an email a week for three weeks before i got any response - the packet had been...