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  1. FrostyNugz420

    Worst Information on Cannabis

    On a lighter note.... i never knew that a sure sign of a pothead was that your hands had to be covered with resin.:eek:
  2. FrostyNugz420

    moldy mj

    you can answer your own question i think... Have you ever bought a bag with crispy weed? How did you like it? and to properly cure bud there has to be some moisture.
  3. FrostyNugz420

    howq do i grow it

    THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S GUIDE by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal 2118
  4. FrostyNugz420

    Tobacco Growing

    GanjaGuru you never cease to amaze me! You're like a library of things that are actually important in life. :)
  5. FrostyNugz420

    moldy mj

    First dry the bud in paprer bags. Once they are dry then put them in jars to cure.
  6. FrostyNugz420

    Red Eyes

    I have been smoking for 8 years, and no matter what my eyes turn red. I've tried Visine but I think my eyes are immune to it now. Does anyone know of a cure for red eye other than Visine?
  7. FrostyNugz420

    moldy mj

    Maybe Cervantes moldy weed is similar to what ganjaguru's Curing 101 explains where it is something like decomposing the bud....:confused:
  8. FrostyNugz420

    seed question

    If i plant bagseed from some mids would they still turn out to be the same ****** weed. or is there anything i can do to improve the quality?
  9. FrostyNugz420

    moldy mj

    Smoking moldy weed is a great way to get an infection in your lungs. :eek:
  10. FrostyNugz420

    Man Kills Deer In His Pajama's

    That's ******* amazing. I've never heard of someone taking down a buck like that. i wish i could meet that guy so i could shake his hand.
  11. FrostyNugz420

    ******* Cat

    I tried to get the remaining plants to come back to life but the just dont seem to have the life left in them. I hsve them supported by straws but they turned yellow and died. i guess im just gonns hsvr to tske some bagseeds and start all over with them. I told her i wanted a dog!:mad:
  12. FrostyNugz420

    Laced Weed

    i smoked salvia one time and i thought the whole world was melting around me. It was like being on an acid trip for 5 minutes. After i came to my friends said that all i was doing was laughing hysterically, but all i remember is being scared shitless and thinking it was never gonna end. I...
  13. FrostyNugz420

    The Marijuana Grower's Guide

    THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S GUIDE by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal (Edit by Stoney Bud: This book is a copywrited publication. It's protected by law. We can't allow it to be given away on this site. It's available at any good book store. - Thanks, I happen to own this one. It's indeed a great read...
  14. FrostyNugz420

    ******* Cat

    Okay, so I bought my girlfriend a cat so she would shut up about having a pet. Little did i now this cat happens to be the biggest pothead i have ever seen. She will literally yowl at you if you dont send a hit her way. Anyways this morning i wake up and smot a doobie with kitty. After the...
  15. FrostyNugz420

    Bong cleaning

    Does anyone know how to get the resin stains out of the inside of a bong. I bought it because it was a sweet blue color but now it is brown and yellowish. I tried using Rubbing Alcohol but that didnt get it all out. I've tried boiling it and that didnt work( and it made my kitchen reek). I...
  16. FrostyNugz420

    Light Proof Closet

    Do you think if i used the heavy white bags it would work? i spent all of my budget for my grow space on the lights and other stuff so im kinda strapped for cash right now.
  17. FrostyNugz420

    Light Proof Closet

    The top of the door has a 1/2inch crack on the top and the sides have about centimeter cracks. I tried the Black bags... and it works. but wont the bags absorb alot of the light?
  18. FrostyNugz420

    Light Proof Closet

    im almost ready to start my grow but i noticed the the closet i am going to be using leaks light through the cracks in the door. Its not very much but i still want to correct it. should i just duct tape it? or is there some other less noticeable way to solve this issue?
  19. FrostyNugz420

    Special Moments

    winter of '97~ Listening to Black Dog and blazing for the first time.
  20. FrostyNugz420

    Electrical Questions

    Thanks WD! Now I can finally start my grow without worrying about my apartment setting on fire.:D