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  1. E

    Monkey Business!

    As a responsible owner, trust me I am the FIRST to be upset by that. It is irresponsible owners such as those that make the rest look bad. I don't condone that type of behavior either, and I don't think that a tiger (or other animal with a potential to cause human harm) be allowed to be kept as...
  2. E

    Monkey Business!

    Its is the same with dogs, cats, and any other animals bred in captivity.They can't live without human aid either. Either way, monkeys are tamed in captivity, but we are not breeding the wild out of them. They still have their "wild" mannerisms, but along with that are able to associate with...
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    Monkey Business!

    _____ There is a BIG misconception about primates kept as pets in the US. Since 1975, Federal import regulations PROHIBIT the import of primates for use as pets. They can only be imported for "bona-fide educational, zoological, or research purposes." One can't even re-import a pet primate...
  4. E

    Monkey Business!

    The monkey in the movie Monkey Trouble is a tufted capuchin monkey. Spider monkeys are much larger, and are called such because they have very long arms and legs which make them resemble a spider. Capuchin monkeys are usually the monkey used in entertainment because they are the easier of the...
  5. E

    Monkey bites

    If you are in the US or other developed country where the monkey is captive bred and raised then there is a very low chance of getting anything from it. Monkeys aren't born with virus, but they are susceptible to most of the same viruses we are susceptible to. If they have not been exposed to a...