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  1. indiglo

    Just dropped by....

    Welcome, kinda new myself. There's lots of good information as well as alot of laughs.;)
  2. indiglo

    Homemade Hydro

    The best way that I found is to take a 25 gal tub (or whatever size you like) take the lid and cut spots for your small pots. I put just a little perilite in the pot to hold the plant up, then just let the roots dangle through. I have a couple of bubblers in the bottom to keep it moving. ($2 at...
  3. indiglo

    Sativa VS Indica

    Indica is the way.
  4. indiglo

    Fluorescent vs. HPS yield amount?

    I have a 4x6 area and use 2 400w HPS. This does the trick.
  5. indiglo

    Happy Easter

    What's in your basket??????
  6. indiglo

    Happy Easter

    A little bunny came hoppin my way and left me a little surprize! Happy Easter
  7. indiglo

    Happy Easter

    A little bunny came hoppin my way and he had a basket in his hands......
  8. indiglo

    ooey Gooey

    Not sure what strains they are. Seeds are from early or Mid 80's to 90's. Traveled all over the US. They have about a week or two left, depending on what they're lookin like. It's nice to be able to talk to some fellow medicators. Keepin to myself is hard. I want to show them off!
  9. indiglo

    Morning Star...

    Here are some of my girls
  10. indiglo

    Morning Star...

    Those are some great buds. How many grows have you had? First one for me.
  11. indiglo

    ooey Gooey

    Sorry about that just learning how to use this. Here are some of my girls. How do ya like em?
  12. indiglo

    High Again!!

    Just wanted to say Hello since I just signed up. I've seen some great pics already and plan to post some of my own. Keep up the good work!