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  1. S

    decent electronic ph tester under $100?

    Help needed please I have just bought a Hanna hi 99104 ph meter. After putting it together it says; 1 If electrode is dry immerse in storage solution for 30 mins 2 If calibration is needed, immerse in ph buffer 7 and adjust 3 Rinse and emmerse in ph buffer 4 and adjust ????? All I wanted...
  2. S

    Forum members read here!!!!!!

    Dr comic....sold me duff seed..1 from 10 germinated using three different methods..the one that did grow was nothing like the seed I got from Barneys of the same vatiety....and when I complained about this I was told that seeds are sold as a novelty and are not ment to be germinated...
  3. S


    Hi all, yes it was sweet tooth from Barnies...they have grown about a meter tall, I didn't do much cliping but still have about 6 heads to each plant...I am feeding bio bizz under a 600 in compost...nice big colas..I am just waiting for them to sign of them stopping.... yet still...
  4. S


    Hi to this feeling my way around...I have loads to be warned..I am a grower and have just two at the moment....sweet tooth that's close to finishing...and killing Fields that I an having problems with....and dont know why!!!!