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  1. theCre8or

    Mounting lights to plywood

    Thanks Dubba, I was reading that there are progressivley higher light requirements for seedling, veg, and flowering stages. Right now I have (2) 2600 lumens bulbs. I'm going to germinate this weekend and hopefully have seedlings by Monday or Tuesday. I'll spread the cost of the CFL's and...
  2. theCre8or

    Mounting lights to plywood

    thanks for all the tips everyone Kaptain, when you say mounted to the inside, can you be more specifc. Check out dubmans photos here. Those are the exact reflectors I have. They screw onto the socket. I plan on putting the sockets through holes (smaller hole than Dubbaman's) from the...
  3. theCre8or

    Mounting lights to plywood

    Yeah, I am thinking of not going that way, as a precaution, but I was hoping someone would say " yeah, I've done it and it works great, no fires!" I'm thinking I'll stay with the orginal plan and hang them from a chain individually. It will be a pain to lower and raise each one, but better...
  4. theCre8or

    Mounting lights to plywood

    Hi Guys I"m putting (9) 150watt (effective, 42 w actual) CFL bulbs into a smallish grow box. I wanted to mount them to something that will make it easy to lower and raise all of them at once. I was thinking of buying those utility lamps with the reflector and clamp at home depot for 5 bucks a...
  5. theCre8or

    Black Light for heat?

    I didn't see your post bunkin. Cam on at the same time as mine I guess. Seperate thermostat? Plugs into AC like a timer, right? That's a good idea. I dont' trust the thermostats on those little heaters. I've used them before and they always seem to have really only 3 settings. Warm...
  6. theCre8or

    Black Light for heat?

    That's not a bad idea. A lizard rock heater is a lttle heater that looks like a rock. You use them to keep lizards (cold blooded) warm. There made to be inside their terranium. I suppose it would have a similar effect as your water tray. The water tray would also provide some humidity...
  7. theCre8or

    Black Light for heat?

    MY convern is those little heaters will be to hot for my small grow box. Maybe I'll try a lizard rock heater.
  8. theCre8or

    Black Light for heat?

    I figured if its at the bottom of the box, the plant won't really get direct light, and since its a black light, it won't be in the spectrum the plant would respond to. Just hoping to see if anyone has tried it. Athough, maybe the regular incandescent durring the on cycle will provide enough...
  9. theCre8or

    Black Light for heat?

    The normal light bulb is dim enough not to effect 12/12?
  10. theCre8or

    Black Light for heat?

    How do you guys feel about an incandescent black light in the bottom of a small grow box to provide heat? I wasn't planning on building a grow box, just sticking her in the corner of my crawl space, but I went down there the other day to assess the situation, and it smells of mildew. There...
  11. theCre8or

    Newbie Setup Advice

    oh, and I grew one out doors on a whim whith the soil and seed starter I mentioned. It happend to be male and i didn't really tend to it. If it would have been female it would have been a decent size, but not what I think I'll yield with 24 hour light veg and 12/12 flowering. I haven't...
  12. theCre8or

    Newbie Setup Advice

    Mirror could create hot spots? Even with CFL? Ok, I'll just use plywood painted white. What about the 4th wall? Do I really need it, or if I position that lightbulb on that side, maybe I won't? I'll give the seedlings time to get strong roots before transplanting. Thanks for the...
  13. theCre8or

    Newbie Setup Advice

    Good tip. Thanks. I've grown plenty of other plants from seeds and have killed my share from over watering. I usually watch the soil and only water if its dry. Didn't think of misting, though. So I'll grab a spray bottle. Other thoughts?
  14. theCre8or

    Newbie Setup Advice

    HI everyone I'm about to start a new small production (1-3 plants) grow. Seeds are due to arrive in a few days and I'm gathering my materials. I wanted to run my plan past you guys for any comments/advice. I ordered a pack of 10 seeds. I plan on attempting to germinate 5 seeds. I...
  15. theCre8or

    types of light to use please help

    Many of the CFL Bulbs list their wattage with both their actual wattage and the incandescent equivlent. When you say 75 Compact Flou, are you talking about an actual 75 wat compact flou or an 18w that is equal to a 75 watt incandescent? Thanks!
  16. theCre8or

    Casual Grower

    Thanks for the tips guys. I was reading about the cloning gels and peat pellets and that doesn't seem overly complicated to create a clone. If it's a girl, I'll clone her as soon as I can tell and then will keep a simple soil based system in my office with that desk lamp and the 23 w CFL as...
  17. theCre8or

    Casual Grower

    Hi all, I posted this on the Introduce yourself forum and thought I'd give it more visibilty here. ANY advice will be helpful! HI everyone I'm new to the forum and to growing. I've kept a regular garden on our deck for a couple of summers now. This spring, we happen to have bought a...
  18. theCre8or

    Casual Grower

    I will , Thanks!
  19. theCre8or

    Casual Grower

    That's supposed to read CASUAL GROWER HI everyone I'm new to the forum and to growing. I've kept a regular garden on our deck for a couple of summers now. This spring, we happen to have bought a bag with some seeds [and we fellt like we were in high school :) ] and on a whim I tossed the...