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  1. theCre8or

    Cheap and Easy way to eat weed

    actually I never felt anything. Perhpas it wasn't enogh? I'll try again next weekend with a bit more...
  2. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    and thanks for the tip Dank!
  3. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    The ladies look better today. Leaves are up and perky, I think the Grow Big and a diltuted dose of my own urine seems to have made them happy. I"m gonna keep them on just the Grow Big now. Next watering will they'll get 1/4 dose. Things are looking up!
  4. theCre8or

    Cheap and Easy way to eat weed

    Just ate 'em. It's about 2:15p
  5. theCre8or

    Cheap and Easy way to eat weed

    Ok, this is a very intersting thread. Fun. Stoney, it is my understanding that the "high" elements in pot are more easily absorbed in the body though some sort of fat, such as oil, milk, etc. By heating the bud/fat mixture, you are infusing the fat with the buds. Kinda like a tea with...
  6. theCre8or

    My very first grow

    Seedlings like humidity and moisure. I just started my first grow and I did one under a dome and one without and the one under a humidity dome did much better. Very moist soil, too. Just as a seedling. Just for the 2 weeks. Just use a strawberry or grapes container. It worked perfect...
  7. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    I don't mind doing that. I'm just puzzled by the soil. It supposed to have Bat Guano in it. Could it have been depleted in such a short time. I should test a bit of fresh shoil just to see. I've already added Grow Big, but it's 6 4 4 and my soil test shows a slight surplus of Phosphorus...
  8. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    I'm tesing Nitrogen and PH in my urine. (I know, funny) I diluted it with water. The water I know has a balanced PH from previous tests. The sample shows a pH of about 5.0 or 5.5, acid. The Nitrogen is still processing. Won't that through the PH of my soil off if I use it to try...
  9. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    and what should I be eating/drinking before dosing?
  10. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    not full strength?! I'm up for that, but how dilute?
  11. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Well things are going down hill still.. My soil is Nitrogen deficient. I don't understand why. Anyway, my very healthy looking babies are not so healthy looking anymore. I bought a small reptile humidifier and have that and my ghetto humidifier both running. I know have 50% realtve...
  12. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Thanks for the tips, Mutt. I've got 5 more Jock seeds that I was waiting to plant after I finished this grow. Work out all the kinks first, ya know. I'll try that next. I made a ghetto humidifier. Small 30 CFM fan that I had laying around on top of a plastic cup half full with water and...
  13. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    i went out and got a hygrometer. My box has a RH of only 30!. It must have been bone dry in there when the fans were all going. GRRR!!! Anyway, now I have on week (before the critical 3rd week of veg) for my remaining plants to get into the proper humidity. I'm experimentiing with some...
  14. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Well here they are then, Dank! :D They smaller plant has some browning on the leaves. I'm thinking that is due to overwatering. I haven't watered them for 2 days and the soil still feels pretty wet. I'll check 'em out tonight before bed and see how they look. The OG plant doesn't look...
  15. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Seems the consensus i for side by side on the fans, if you're interested.
  16. theCre8or

    Exhaust FAN usage question

    that's what I thought. Thanks guys!!!
  17. theCre8or

    Exhaust FAN usage question

    Here' my question - Will I increase my exhaust CFM best if I line two fans, one in front of the other, at the exhaust point, or is it better to have them sit side by side into a wider shaft that goes into the exhaust point? My instinct says side by side, as having them lined up one in front of...
  18. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Here's the latest my friends - It seems to have been a combination of many things. My inital plant definitley was heat stressed and translplanted too early. After testing the soil, it did show a nitrogen deficiencey. Odd because it's new Fox Farms soil. Maybe the dry conditions caused it...
  19. theCre8or

    AlienBait Tries LEDs, Part 2

    This is a really great experiment. Well done. Has anyone done anything like this to compare CFL's? I'm sure HPS will win again, but I wonder if the differences will be as dramatic.
  20. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    thanks for the tips!