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  1. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Thanks Dank!
  2. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Thansk for the tips one love - The metal actually didn't get hot at all. Actually, I think it worked like a heatsink, distributing the heat from the CFL balast. I changed them anyway, so that I can have them all on one chain. I took a $7 bathroom light bar from Home Depot and put some of...
  3. theCre8or

    19 days into flowering. please help!!

    Have you looked in the sick plants forum? There's some really good trouble shootng guids in there. Check it out and try to identify your problem. Then come back here if something is unclear. The pros here can probably help but they'll need picurtes and a better desciription of what's going...
  4. theCre8or

    REady to Clone?

    Thanks for the tips guys. I've started flower cycle on these babies. They just go through their first 12 hours of darkness. I probably won't clone them, unless one of them does really well, then I'll do it after harvest. (fingers crossed for ladies!) I'm going to start some new seeds in...
  5. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Well, know you all prefer differnt lights for flower, but I'm using CFL's for my mini grow. I've got (6) 2600 lumens CFL bulbs above the ladies under a reflector of mylar and carboard. In each of the four corners of my 2.56 sq ft box are 1300 lument CFLs. Those will stay on the sides of...
  6. theCre8or

    REady to Clone?

    That could work also, but it's best to clone when they are in veg. To sex them, I have to put them into flower. By taking the clones of all of them, making note of which clone came from which donor, I'll know which of my clones is female because the donor and clone will be the same sex...
  7. theCre8or

    Ready to Clone

    2 months? Yikes. I didn't expect that. I thought I'd be able to do that now. Someone suggeste 3 inch side growth as my yardstick. The stems are about an 2 inches now, so I figured by next week... Do you think it would still be to early? If so, I'm going to start flower on these and start...
  8. theCre8or

    REady to Clone?

    OK, so 3 inches is my mark. Cool. Probably one more week then, eh? I was hoping to begin flower this week... oh well. I'd rather start some clones to get a (near) constant harvest going. I have a trip in January to see some friends and I wanted to take my first home grown with me...
  9. theCre8or

    veg time

    I'm a newbie myself, but I've read alot on the subject. Everyone will telll you to veg just about anytime you want. Some people are on a 12 12 cycle to flower from seed. However, depending on the strain, at least 4 weeks in veg is best and longer if you want a bigger plant. If you have a...
  10. theCre8or

    Ready to Clone

    Hey guys, I'm 4 weeks into veg, but had some stunted growth early on. Are my plants ready to clone? I posted this question in propagation forum with pics. Your advice is apreciated - check it out here: Thanks!!!!
  11. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Time for an update! Everything's coming along swimingly! My OG plant that was near death is really strong now! I didn't think it would make it. Once it got some nutes, it took off. Flowering cycle to start soon! I want to clone soon. I posted a question in the propagation forum. Check it...
  12. theCre8or

    REady to Clone?

    Here are the pics. Thanks for your help everyone!
  13. theCre8or

    REady to Clone?

    Too big photos - I'll resize and post later
  14. theCre8or

    REady to Clone?

    Are these OK to clone? I want to clone them now, while still in veg b4 i sex them. They're about 4 weeks old from seed tomorrow and I wanted to put them into flower to harvest by january. But I want to take the clones first.... Hopefully they'll all be ladies! Suggested cut areas...
  15. theCre8or

    Cheap and Easy way to eat weed

    well I got a bit of a buzz, but that's about it. After my first harvest, I'll make some butter and cook some brownies, but I think that's about the end of my eatiing experiements. I'm going to go to vaporizers. I have to figure out how not to smoke.
  16. theCre8or

    Cheap and Easy way to eat weed

    second test I used as much as a nice stuffed bowl. Not sure of the weight. Used natural peanut butter from smuckers this time I ate them apropriatley enough at 4:20. Feeling someting will report back later
  17. theCre8or

    Info on Vapes?

    What about this one for $120? It's one of the cheapest I've found. Is it worth it? I bought a $20 portable one from hugegrins. It's a little silver bullet looking thing. It works ok, I get high and all, but the high is really short...
  18. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    The lights were farther away, to help keep temps down while I was trying to sort out why they were dying. I'm pretty confident they needed N now, so I moved the lights back about 3-4 inches from their tops to get them closer now. TEmps stay around 82 when they're closer instead of about 78...
  19. theCre8or

    First Grow got wind burn!

    Hooray for nitrogen! They are so much happier today. Now I think I've finally hit my stride. The box is till a bit dry at a consisten 30% RH. Not bad for flower, low mold possibilities and more resin. But my seedling state can be accomodated with a humidity dome, which I'm keeping over...
  20. theCre8or

    Jack Herer

    I'm about 2 weeks into Jock Horror from Nirvana. It's my first grow, so I've had plenty of bumps, but I think I have everything dialed in now. Check out my journal.