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  1. G

    Temp, try putting a bowl of water in your grow area
  2. G

    2 week old seedlings, need help, updated with pics

    whats your ph??? they look really close are your lights???? could be heat stress but then it might not be, i am sure you got a fan going on your plants dont you?????? but that third pic looks like something ate your leaf...
  3. G

    first timer with high expectations

    good start my friend,question, wouldnt it be better if you got fem. seeds to start them off in the same pot that you are going to flower them in .... makes sense to me.... just my thoughts.... my bad bro, welcome to MP... glad to have you....
  4. G


    they will grow at 91... thing is , growing inside you are trying to make optimum conditions to get as much bud as possible, i believe 78 is optimum for MJ.. the more optimum your indoor inviroment the better and probally more bud you can harvest....
  5. G

    Close Encounters

    did you try and turn the wipers on?????LOL
  6. G

    Male or Hermie?

    just life my friend, pollen is pollen, you may be right get you a sack of lets say two year old pollen that has been left out anywhere, through it in the air say 100 feet away from your plants... if it dont grow seed then you are right and i am wrong... just jokeing around bro, i dont know i...
  7. G

    What ive been up too

    only thing i can see wrong is all that needs to hanging at my great job bro... keep up the good-work... grow on....
  8. G

    overgrow iceland :)

    welcome always glad to have experince growers join, welcome aboard....
  9. G

    When to put into jars

    i go about 7-10 days hanging, i will cut off the stems when the stems feel dry, when they arent dry yet they feel cold...... that just the way i do it......i know its not the proper way but works for me....
  10. G

    Male or Hermie?

    believe that all you want too...... santa-clause is real too.......
  11. G

    Grow tent material

    i think a good quality flat white paint would last longer but as for as better , i dont know....
  12. G

    Male or Hermie?

    to late if that is in your house you got pollen every where.......
  13. G

    Any help appreciated...learn from my mistakes

    looks like nute burn.........
  14. G

    This is how I flush...

    hey megan, looking good.... dont know if they will be more potent or not...i got N.L. clones going right now they got about a week left... it is some of the best weed i ever smoked, easy to clone and grow, what did you do top that one plant or did it grow that way?????
  15. G

    Northern Lights and Aurora Indica: Round 3

    looking good bro..... i love that N.L. that is some killer stoney weed....
  16. G

    can you cut one bud at 51/2 weeks bloom

    damn bro # is busey...............
  17. G

    Stealing Electricity

    :postpicsworthless: :bolt: :ccc:
  18. G

    Nirvana Northern Lights "CLONES"

    here you go mojo-mojo..........
  19. G

    I want to be a farmer

    make sure you get some overalls.... every good farmer wwears
  20. G

    can you cut one bud at 51/2 weeks bloom

    no it want hurt, depends on what strain you have as to thc....