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  1. Trafic

    Has anyone grown the free thais from attitude

    I started growing them but they just got too big to handle for my space so I axed them. If you can get them outside they are probably good,, but not so for a small grow box.
  2. Trafic

    Best way to tell different from Hps to MH

    Go ahead, use it, find out it's useless and you wasted time on it on your own, report back. We'll say we told you so. Go out and buy quality light.
  3. Trafic

    2009 Outdoor Grow. Purple Urkel, XXX, Grape Diesel, BlockHead

    Nice little garden you got there. :cool2:
  4. Trafic


    "This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff."
  5. Trafic

    one more for Attitude

    I just got mine in from attitude. Northeast US. Took about 12 days to arrive. Used the stealth option. This is my second order from them. They rock.:smoke1:
  6. Trafic

    today i saw a skinhead

    Uhh, what sh*thole do you live in? America isn't just Washington DC or South Central. Guns are pretty rare in bar fights. I've never seen one and I've seen some bad fights in some bad bars.
  7. Trafic

    How high have you gotten?

    1.5 oz. divided by 6 squares. So about 8g per square.
  8. Trafic

    How high have you gotten?

    My buddy made rice krispie treats with about 1.5 oz for 6 squares. I couldn't walk talk or think for the next 6 hours or so and I woke up the next day still stoned.
  9. Trafic

    Barney´s Blue Cheese

    First off, your English is coming along fine. Secondly, I just ordered Barney's Blue Cheese from attitude so I'm going to watch your grow closely. Keep up the good pics.:)
  10. Trafic

    panama x big sur holyweed

    Yeah nice pic. Off to a good start.
  11. Trafic

    Just switched to 12/12.

    Pretty sad venting. The box has slide doors. I put a fan on one side and it blows out the other. It keeps circulation on the plants but I need to upgrade it. It's really a matter of me getting off my *** and doing it. The temps in the room stay around 78F with 30% RH. Yeah, the one gallon...
  12. Trafic

    Just switched to 12/12.

    Yep, it looked root bound. That one just grew a lot faster than the others. The NL's are staying bushier and smaller. I'll probably transplant those tomorrow. I didn't know to dilute it by half. I'll look into that. They seemed to like it but I could be wrong. On a side note it's a lot...
  13. Trafic

    Just switched to 12/12.

    Yep, my pots drain. I don't water them till the soil is really dry. Then I water it till a little drains out the bottom. Everything looked great till I switched to 12/12 then they drooped, the Thai SS the most. I just transplanted that to a 3 gal grow bag. Hopefully it will perk back up...
  14. Trafic

    Just switched to 12/12.

    OK. Cool. 30 Days Veg at 18/6. Sitched to 12/12 yesterday. Growing it in a 2'x 3' x 4' box. Growing under 400W HPS Hortilux bulb. Using Foxfarm Ocean forest soil. Using Foxfarm Grow big nutes per chart on container. Not sure of PH but one will be getting meter on next trip to store. Plants...
  15. Trafic

    Just switched to 12/12.

    Ok. Here's some info. 3 are Northern Lights, 1 is a shitty Thai super-skunk. Watered two days ago. Been watering every 2-3 days or so. Starting to think that I may need to move them one of them (Thai SS) to a bigger pot. They are in 1 gal. pots and the Thai SS is in 1 gal. bag. I'll try...
  16. Trafic

    Just switched to 12/12.

    I just switched to 12/12 and my plants are stretching and the leaves are drooping. Does this sound normal? I have the lights as close as I can without burning and the leaves look healthy otherwise.
  17. Trafic

    USA : Final days of Marijuana Prohibition Upon Us?

    I believe Obama said. "I don't think we will legalize marijuana." That's a Clintonian yes if I've ever heard one.
  18. Trafic

    Last Post Wins....

    Yesss! What do I win.....oh wait...damn!
  19. Trafic

    Thank you.

    This site rocks. I have learned so much that I can barely fit it all in my head. On top of that everyone here is really civil and handle dumb n00** like me with respect. Once again thanks for all the advice. My girls (hopefully) appreciate it too.:D