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  1. J

    can i give my plant bottled water

    the reason i ask is because im not sure what qualifies as "light" like when the sun first starts to come up im not sure if the plant really gets any light from the because the suns not actually out its just a little brighter than it was. ya know? so in which case i might want to give it 13 hours...
  2. J

    Electric Bill Problems

    how do i go about finding out my electric company in the house im renting a room in. and how much they charge so i can make sure im not being ripped off by my landlord? im paying about 300/month for a 600 (or i was and theres still one more bill coming)
  3. J

    Questions about my 3 headed lady??

    niki where do you cut exactly at the base or what? got any tutorial looking pics of this? and your plants look really healthy i love when mine would go up towards the light looking all studious.
  4. J

    can i give my plant bottled water

    without worrying about the pH. cuz i already did and im hoping its ok. i hadnt watered it in a week or two and it was drooping today and its all i had, usually i use distilled. also if your growing a plant by your window, would it be feasable to flower it by taking it away and putting it in a...
  5. J

    very newb question

    i dont know, this makes me wonder, my land lord knew i was running it and charged me for any extra money the bill was. so im wondering if maybe he threw in that it was more than it was.
  6. J

    very newb question

    one reason is to save on electricity. lets say you have 5 1000 watt hps lights (each light can light 10 plants in a large container say), and say you have 50 plants, instead of putting them all in a large container and turning on all 5 lights, you could put them in smaller ones and only turn on...
  7. J

    at least 12 hours of light to flower? or at most?

    i have a plant by my window getting probably 14 hours of sun. now i always hear 12/12 will make it flower, (it's about 8 inches tall, little bushy), what's the idea behind the 12/12, is it that the plant can flower with no more than 12 hours of light or no more than 12 hours of dark. like if i...
  8. J

    Growing weed in cups

    if you put a clone in say only a foot diameter pot, would it grow to it's full potential? or would the limited space for the roots constrict it's growth severely?
  9. J

    Weed moist after leaving window open

    ya it dried up good. and omg i got so high with my friend. i knew this was good weed when i broke it up because when you break it, it's really sticky and light green and smells hella dank right when you break it. anyways me and her went to drive to the store which is like 10 blocks away, it...
  10. J

    my plant SURVIVED this??

    i wonder how much a 4 or 8 inch plant will yield
  11. J

    my plant SURVIVED this??

    not quite sure whatever is average for this season in san francisco. is there more hours of light during now? anyways thanks for the post.
  12. J

    Weed moist after leaving window open

    so i left the window over night, and i live in san francisco so its usually pretty cold. and i had two nugs for a total of about a gram out, and when i came home the next day i felt it and it was kinda moist, like not to the point where it's not smokable, but enough to cause concern. is this bad...
  13. J

    my plant SURVIVED this??

    also is it possible for it to flower being only 8 inches tall and coming from a 24-0, to window light?
  14. J

    my plant SURVIVED this??

    i had like 12 clones going under a 600 watt hps however they were all in the buckets they were going to flower in so i could only fit about 5 in there to get good enough light. long story short i got rid of the 7 by pulling them up because they would die anyways i wanted to see how much rooting...
  15. J

    Trouble In Paradise!

    ya everything ended up working out. i mean i had to give my plants to someone else to grow and im only getting a cut. but ya it was dissapointing, it was hard getting them all ready to go to a new home...
  16. J

    Electric Bill Problems

    thats what i heard and thought, but my room mate who used to grow said he was paying about 250 per 1000watt hps he had, and since the elec bill came on an off day he said it was 90 more than usual and it had only been a week.
  17. J

    Where to place my carbon scrubber?

    is a carbon scrubber the same as a carbon filter?
  18. J

    Electric Bill Problems

    i've had my 600 watt hps on for about 2 weeks i think now, and i am wondering how much the bill will be. i k now that it depends on the company you go through, but i mean what's the average or what am i likely to pay a month? i am in sf, ca
  19. J

    Trouble In Paradise!

    thanks. i had just bought all the equipment and got a little ahead of myself in all the excitment of growing. he used to grow himself (unbenounced to me) and knew the tell tale signs. but ya next place i get im setting up shop once again!
  20. J

    Trouble In Paradise!

    i have been growing 5 (used to be 12 but i had issues) female clones that i have had for almost 3 weeks now under a 600 watt hps light (air cooled). my roommate found out and says i have 3 weeks to get rid of them. i don't know if i can find anyone to take them on. and i live in san francisco...