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  1. J

    indica or sativa

    sativa gives you more of a social and uncontrollable laughing high, while indica gives you a stoned high. and you can see the difference in what they look like if you google it.
  2. J

    Reading while stoned.

    hey read a book by robert anton wilson called "maybe logic" or "the i in the triangle" he truly was one of the smartest people in the world i will not be disappointed. let me know what you think if you decide to read one of them.
  3. J

    Stealing Electricity

    tesla where can we find more information on this. someone should write a letter.
  4. J

    Stealing Electricity

    I keep hearing that the only people who get caught for anything dealing with electricity is when they steal it, rather than using a high amount and the electric company turning that information over to police. why would someone do this if it's so risky? how do you do it (for piece of...
  5. J

    Continuing to vegitate

    thanks but the plant is in the window soaking up the sun. and it's been there for 3 months my question is how long can a plant go from being a clone until it has to flower, or can you just vegitate indefinately?
  6. J

    Continuing to vegitate

    the plant that i have is only about 2 feet give or take. i got it as a clone and have had it for 3 months. the first month it was under 600watt light and the rest in the window. is there a limit on how long to veg? or keep growing it until flowering? or can you just veg for as long as you want...
  7. J

    Showing sex, too much light??F

    sorry for the double post didnt mean to.
  8. J

    Showing sex, too much light??F

    my plant is in the window getting sunlight all day and some light during the night due to the kitchen and dining room light being turned on, and it is showing sex (female, (clone)). my question is when is it imparitive to put it in the closet (complete darkness) for 12/12?
  9. J

    Showing Female gender, time to Flower??

    the plant that she has i had pulled it from it's roots because i didnt think it would have enough light then i put it back in because i thought what the hell i'll just put it to the side, it's barely grew but stayed alive, i mean this guy is a soldier i can't wait to smoke him up.
  10. J

    Showing Female gender, time to Flower??

    :( ya i learned not to count my eggs until they hatch with my first batch of plants.. lol. thanks
  11. J

    Showing Female gender, time to Flower??

    really, because the outside light is all we have to work with. i mean i was planning on having it in the window for 12 hours of light, then putting it in the closet for 12 hours of pure dark. i'm not expecting a heap of dense buds, but we'll get buds though right? because this was the only...
  12. J

    Showing Female gender, time to Flower??

    ya its in my friends house, and she does have enough space in front of the window. if you remember me i was the guy who had to get rid of all his plants because of my landlord, 5 of my plants went to this guy who is gonna give me a percent and i had one in my window til i found someone to take...
  13. J

    Showing Female gender, time to Flower??

    oh hey :D, should i put it on a 12/12 schedule right now? the plant is about a foot and a half roughly. possibly more.
  14. J

    To soon to switch to flowering?

    so once you see sex you should flower?
  15. J

    Hours of Darkness for Flowering other than 12/12??

    so what's the cut off on the number of hours of darkness for flowering. like i keep hearing people say that it is SO important 12/12 but lets just say it's out of your hands and you had to pick one, would it be better to give it 11.5 hours of darkness or 12.5 hours of darkness? and the people...
  16. J

    Showing Female gender, time to Flower??

    ok long story short, my friend has my plant in her house and she's growing it in the window, so she had someone come to inspect something and had to put it in the closet for like a day. then put it back near the window, it started showing the little hairs that show that it's female (it was a...
  17. J

    Urgent Help Needed Please!!!!!!!!

    i am SO confused on this point. ok i was told to keep the light about 2 feet away when i first got my clones and i did so, next couple days my plants were wilted like you wouldn't believe, so then someone came over and said whoa dude you need to put the light like almost touching them, and i did...
  18. J

    Electric Bill Problems

    dude i dont even know. but in total im paying $200 for less than a month with 1 inline fan, 1 regular fan, a 600watt light, and that's it. but even if im being ripped off a little bit by my land lord. should i say something or just assume that he's charging extra for letting me do it in his...
  19. J

    What's your favorite food to eat High?

    mike n ikes are good high too. i was trying not to eat too bad so i thought im gonna throw half of these mike n ikes on the ground so i only eat half the box. after i was done with the box the ground wasn't looking so dirty. lol. god i hope nobody saw me.