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  1. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I’m sorry to hear you dad is sick. My dad is getting older too. I’m afraid he may be getting Alzheimer’s … And yes I hate those things too. Wasp don’t hurt this long, or bad. And they are not nearly as aggressive. I’m going to get them with some diesel fuel though. Don’t tell the EPA 😂
  2. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Yeah chicken eggs. “Oh they are fertile, they are worth more”. Complete **. I’ll do fine with then acting like that. Always had good success by providing a fair product for a fair price. And your customers like you too. Everyone knows when they getting shafted. Or getting a fair...
  3. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Next person wants ten per dozen. An egg is an egg. Folks charge more because a rooster did his job…. That’s why this country is in the shape it’s in. Everyone is so got dang greedy anymore. And selfish. I ain’t getting political. It’s just a dang fact…
  4. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Down in the basement nursing my Yellowjacket stings. Watering the girls and smoking some roach weed. (We are almost out). Sipping an ice cold Yoo-Hoo
  5. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Evening. Got the weed eating done. But not before I found a very healthy yellow jacket nest. Got popped about ten times. Got to be one of Satan’s animals. No way God would make such a vile, hateful creature. 😂 Looking for some hatching eggs on the Facebook and this woman down the...
  6. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I’m thinking of a chiropractor, left leg has been numb for a few months now since the disc messed up. Just a little back pain thankfully. They want to fuse the joint but I don’t want to start doing cutting this young in life. One slip and I’ll finish my days eating worthless pain pills.
  7. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I’d have to look the procedure up. I only work on F-250 up through F-750. Thankfully I don’t work on the cars. All I know, is it’s getting harder and harder to do much of anything these days without software.
  8. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Too bad I’m not close. Ford tech with software. Could program it in ten minutes
  9. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Morning folks. I’ve had issues with usps, I sell a few things on eBay. Baby is crying, wife fusses and makes it worse. It’s funny, as we get older I have the patience and she doesn’t. Was the other way around when we met back in 07.
  10. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I hope I do. Older I get, the more people I know won’t get that chance.
  11. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Man you guys, and your chronic back pain are scaring me😂. Finished weed eating the pond. It hadn’t gotten cut at all this year. I got to find time to cut some wood or I will be freezing at 67 degrees running the dang heat pump this winter.
  12. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Well I’m turning the lamp off. Been a long day. See you cats tomorrow.
  13. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Pricing parts to rebuild the first incubator I got, back in 2011. Cost me $120 to replace the fan, heater and thermostat. Brand new incubator cost $170. I guess I’ll rebuild it. Save me 50 bucks.
  14. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    What state are you in? Down south here, Georgia.
  15. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    We had a false fall, for a week. Was lovely. 64 at night. High 80’s with low (50%) humidity. Back to the mid to upper 90’s this week.
  16. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Never ceases to amaze me, how a deer can run so fast, and so far with a heart and both lungs shot out. Or both front shoulders smashed to splinters. Yiu shoot me like that and I ain’t running far at all. I like to shoot my deer just behind the front shoulder. Even with the shoulder...
  17. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Did it run far?😂
  18. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Those Russian deer. 😂
  19. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Getting closer to hunting season. Shot this one December last year. 7.62x39 Russian soft tip bullet. .64 cents a round 😂. Don’t tell the Doe, she thought it was one of the expensive boolits🤣. I eased the basement door open and shot across the pond. Woke the whole house up around...
  20. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Evening folks. Friend came over yesterday and picked up some clones. He used to grow years back when his kids were young. And sharing some good homegrown had him jonesing to grow again. He grew out some that I gave him, and I shared some dang good genetics this time. He called...