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  1. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Venison tenderloin, turnip greens and potatoes for supper tonight.
  2. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I used to work with a guy that lost three fingers in two separate accidents and also lost an eye. We always said he was so mad all the time cuz he lost his trigger finger
  3. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Hard to tell a young man anything. You have to figure out how to teach without making them feel lesser than yourself.
  4. yarddog

    Anyone stoned at the moment?

    😂 26 plus 10
  5. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Morning gang. Putting some labor into the Citabria this morning. Flaps are done. Now to fit the ailerons. Wing almost ready to cover. Going to finish a quail aviary today. Back is locking up. Dang I wish I’d been smoother in my teenage years. That loan came due a lot sooner...
  6. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    If I can’t smoke my own or from someone that grows it, I ain’t smoking
  7. yarddog

    Dorm Room Documentation- One bagseed- One dream

    I can find older😂
  8. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Think I’ll fry some fatback later. Got a guy coming to buy quail eggs and a turkey this evening. Went to see the wife’s grandma today. Got home and iced my back. Now stretching. Nerve is hurting today. I hope I make it to next year before I have to do something with this back. I...
  9. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

  10. yarddog

    Dorm Room Documentation- One bagseed- One dream

    Man 18 years. I graduated high school in 2006 😂
  11. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Got the grass cut before it got hot. Runway was so tall I had to cut it twice to get those stalks cut. Planning the 12x60 chicken pen. Need to see where the slaughterhouse and septic tank will go before I put the pen up.
  12. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Morning peeps.
  13. yarddog

    Dorm Room Documentation- One bagseed- One dream

    Did @PinkMystic ever finish the plant in his dorm room??
  14. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Quail hatching in three or four days. Then I’ll run three incubators wide open till November. Was overlooking my “used parts” area and I have enough t post and enough second hand chain link fencing to build a 12x30 chicken coop. Thinking of using pvc bent into hoops like the homemade...
  15. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    About to wind it down. Took the missus and two boys out and eased through the trails this evening. Storms have us cooled down nicely. The woods are starting to look like a forest again. We were forced to clear cut old growth hardwoods about 2011. It hurt to see the woods I grew up...
  16. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Glad you are doing a little better Jag. Got the birds fed before the storm hits. If it hits. So a great cumulus cloud formation and couldn’t get the camera to work. Cloud was gone by the time I figured out the memory card was on the counter. 😂
  17. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Well, finished my book last night and didn’t have anything else lined up. SkyGods. About the rise and fall of Pan-American Airlines. Politics came into play. Noooo, who wudda thunk it??
  18. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I think so too. I wanted an ornamental breed to offer along with the standard egg layers I have. I may build a pen across the pond near the slaughterhouse next year. Legally I can sell 600 birds a year without a permit. And I always follow the law…. 🤠
  19. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Trying to get a dozen Semara eggs, supposed to be the smallest chicken in the world. Cocky looking things. Nice thunderstorm moved through this evening. We sure needed the rain. I’m planning on running chickens through the incubators for two months. Can get 6 runs in two months...
  20. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Wow you got me beat there. Last time I got popped with Yellowjackets I was about 11 years old. 25 years ago. It’s funny really. I bushhog, work food plots. Cut meadows and fields etc. and I haven’t been stung by more than a honey bee since. Until now😂 honeybees don’t hurt at all.