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  1. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    I grow five at a time in a 3x3 tent. So plants are not massive. Also it take two weeks to dry enough to jar it so that takes my bloom tent another two weeks before I can turn another set. It takes 12 weeks on average to turn a bloom set through. I do give an ounce or two away sometimes.
  2. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    We are smoking trim next week
  3. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

  4. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I thing like a hand rolled cigarette on a cold morning.
  5. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    Ordering a new tent tonight. Something around 4x4 or maybe 5x5 if it will fit. I may keep the 3x3 going too. I need to stock some bud uo for lean times. Hate running harvest to harvest.
  6. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I really enjoy smoking. Which is why it is so hard to stay quit. But after watching a good friend of mine dying of lung cancer, and me having the Afib issue I won’t ever smoke another cigarette. Gave 99% of caffeine uo too. I’m working on sugar but she got me bad. Sugar is the hardest...
  7. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    We must be lucky in the south. It’s rare to see more than surface rust from body damage down here. My 99 CRV is 100% rust free. Matter of fact, all three of my 99’s are rust free.
  8. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I’ll tell ya what state is harder to stay compliant with and that’s Jawga (georgia)
  9. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Hippie, you got weed stores up there? I sure had you Michigan folks figured out wrong. At least one good guy up there that I know of. But you fellers sure can’t drive. 😂. You see some butt wipe with a rusted out 7 year old car that can’t drive and I’ll show you the Michigan plate on the...
  10. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    We got a lady at work, real sweet lady. Bakes stuff and brings it to work and all. Just a great lady. She’s the kind you call Miss as a sign of respect. Found out she’s 62 the other day. Man I’d have like to seen her in 1994. I bet she was a fox. She’s still got it now for sure Older...
  11. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    You old guys are so sensitive. Just say the word “old” and there y’all go. for the record. My opinion of “old” is now somewhere around 78-80. Really depends on mileage and condition.
  12. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Cleaned my rig. Have to clean this thing ever two or three days. If it gets dirty you can hang it up. Moved the quail out this evening. New batch started hatching today. Babies are my favorite part. Except for eating. That’s my fav😂.
  13. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Do any of you old people use a smart watch for heart monitoring Rhythm? I’m looking at an Apple Watch of a Fitbit versa 4
  14. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Funny story. Today someone wrote on a coffee cup and left it in a friends tool box. It said Colorado f***’s goats After word got around we would hear a radio playing goats talking 😂
  15. yarddog

    Closet grow

    Plants are looking really good. May I suggest looking into a carbon filter? Not sure if your in a legal state or not but it’s a good idea to filter that exhaust air. Your house is going to smell like the piss of 1,000 feral cats and a couple loads of dirty socks depending on the Strain😂...
  16. yarddog

    The Original Old Farts Club

    Well my wife is dang lucky she hooked this prize right ‘chere. I ain’t tooting my own own horn but call me Louis Armstrong🎺 😂😂😂
  17. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Well gang we are wrapping up another fabulous Tuesday. A day we will never see again. For better or for worse. Sitting in the basement smoking a bowl. Got to up pot some cuts. 5-6 weeks from adding a new set in bloom. I need more space. We barely grow enough to make it through to...
  18. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    Hello folks. Week five. I think?? Nothing fancy over here. Just bud.
  19. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Your welcome Mr. Weedhopper
  20. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    For years we did fine. We both have our opinions. And we both think the other person is wrong so I always figured we was even. All I’ll say is, looking around me the world I live in has changed so much in twenty years. I don’t see how it will be supportable in the future. Our old world...