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  1. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    They got a long way to go to reign in misc Gov powers.
  2. yarddog

    First Timer

    We had an attic fan too. Sheets be sour in three days 😂.
  3. yarddog

    First Timer

    I was born two years later. I can say the 90’s was the last of the good years.
  4. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Evening folks. Quail was very good. Fried some cornbread and had some cabbage and carrots. Cloudy and misted again today. Looks like it will be the same for a few days more. I kinda like it when we get a week of overcast weather. But it puts some people down in a funk.
  5. yarddog

    First Timer

    Ok gramps tell us about the party line telephone system and I bet you walked up hill both ways to the livestock auction every Saturday night. But for real my dad told me about how they stopped class and wheeled a tv in on a stand and broadcasted the Apollo moon landing. And I always thought...
  6. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Smokers always find one another
  7. yarddog

    First Timer

    Wow grandpa, tell us another story!!!
  8. yarddog

    First Timer

    Y’all had weed back then?
  9. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Fried quail is on the menu tonight.
  10. yarddog

    I'm new here...

    Got dangit Bobby. 😂. Welcome.
  11. yarddog

    First Timer

    I got no advice on the bubble hash. Someone else may
  12. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    I put a plant out last year but it died. I don’t worry much about indoor but outdoor scares me. I live on 35 acres and I still don’t want to run the risk. My luck the dang game warden would stumble across it.
  13. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    When cars and girls were real 😂
  14. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Morning gang. Going to butcher out and thirty quail today. Get my scissors ready to cut some heads off 😂. The cats enjoy the heads and innards. 🤢
  15. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    I take a simple approach. I grow more plants that are smaller vs training fewer plants to have a larger canopy. I run 5 in a 3x3 tent.
  16. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Well this dog is down for the count. Long week.
  17. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I’d have to call their bluff. Seeing as I’m broke. I be’s lookin at the porn 😂. But my old lady already caught me so there.
  18. yarddog

    Closet grow

    My old cabinet was flat white and it did a really good job. Cheap and easy and worked great.
  19. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    My old cabinet was a 4x6. 4x4 bloom with 2x4 veg. Was ideal.
  20. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    Well, got a 4x4 tent ordered. Wanted the five footer but just don’t have the space. Hoping next year I’ll get an out building and can expand some. I really want to be stocking the Bank of Yarddog up on bud for lean times. Bought a new carbon filter, will use the old one to circulate the...