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  1. Joe's grows

    First photo run indoors

    Hey guys Joe here . So I have these four photos in my 2x4 I'm at day ten of flower about half way through the stretch . I did not clean them the way I should of so the plants stretching great but the middle part of the plants are thick with leaves foliage should I wait till the 21 day mark or...
  2. Joe's grows

    Joes grows grow journal ....

    I'm thinking after day 21 a really good defoliation and lower cleanup mostly to the lower part other wise I'm just gonna run it as is I do have one problem we're one day I have too put all my plants and tent outside for the day so I'm gonna do it the night before put them in there at normal...
  3. Joe's grows

    Joes grows grow journal ....

    First two plants are redvelvet x GMO second two are sugar belts x nanaglue day ten of 12 n 12 when can I defoliate and clean bottoms ? Was thinking day 21 please lmk anyone they are all using advanced nutrients plus calmag extra and in promix perlite and castings mycos also
  4. Joe's grows

    Old Passion, New Journey

    How long did that take that's awesome 😎
  5. Joe's grows

    Joes grows new tent

    So a little update the tent is now equipped with two vivosun oscillating fan s and a spiderfarmersf2000evo I believe. It is called check out @joesgrowsgrowjournal to see what is growing in my tent and wat has in the past
  6. Joe's grows

    Joes grows grow journal ....

    Wow tha I can't wait I just hope I can make it through what ten weeks of flower about? Def awesome plants too grow and I didn't have to do much to make it a decent canopy . Doing autos indoors first actually is a great lesson on lst ECT because jumping to photos from autos was a little easier...
  7. Joe's grows

    Beans from Carty

    Looks good so cool how you can do so many grows i wish I had room even just one whole room devoted to growing one day.
  8. Joe's grows

    Joes grows grow journal ....

    This was all accomplished with pinching the stem and bendig at first then after I transplanted I tied the branches back with fishing string and my kids finally got a puppy process four months old maltise
  9. Joe's grows

    Joes grows grow journal ....

    About time to flip too flower some of @Carty sugar belts x nana glue the big one rhats extremely hungry thats one then two red velvet x gmo using micro grow bloom and calmag extra from advanced nutes perfect pH I put a 1.1.1 ration so far ph wad about 5.9 after idk idthats ok but there growing...
  10. Joe's grows


    I got lucky first time did taxes in ten years about !!!did this years and last years I am really happy with her block cost me 700 to do both years but they really got me more money then i could imagine so I was happy with the outcome . I hate messing with anything computer wise number wise it...
  11. Joe's grows

    Joes grows grow journal ....

    New light waiting on it plus another fan and my five gallons for these michoichoriza on roots and in whole perliteadded I to pro mix course bigger perlite also some ewc and plant starter plus by epsoma . Also gov the three prt organic nutrients line by advanced nutrients an cal mag by...
  12. Joe's grows

    Oh in soil

    I been noticing when to water usually pots light and if I wait the next day thwrewilting but literally a half hourftwr water they look incredible
  13. Joe's grows

    Joes grows grow journal ....

    Yea there's so much to learn but like I here a lot I have to figure out what thrives in my position so far I like these photos def a diff ballpark I can get them the size I want. Once I get my fabric pots I got three and five I'm going to do some tying down topping and defoliating there gonna be...
  14. Joe's grows

    Joes grows grow journal ....

    Update to joes grows currently I have four photos in veg 2 I'm not sure but there fem and def either a cross of gelato 41 or red velvet. The other two are regs and they are sugarbelts x nanaglue. I ordered an earthbox for it to not arrive and I am in the process of getting my money back for the...
  15. Joe's grows

    gmo Grows Grandaddy Purple (Humboldt Heirloom Cut)

    Looks like a jungle looks like a poster for real something on the front of high times mag
  16. Joe's grows

    Oh in soil

    Yea I started doing that after I got into your auto thread I really went over every page ty for all the helpful knowledge. After this or actually may through some diamond milk f3 f autos but I dont think im gonnahave room soon im gonna put up a scrog net. i will fill this whole 2x4 with either...
  17. Joe's grows

    gmo Grows Grandaddy Purple (Humboldt Heirloom Cut)

    Beautiful wow killing it . From Humboldt?
  18. Joe's grows

    Oh in soil

    So one day check out yesterday's photos to today's just plain old tap water with an air stone in it and first feeding of natuaral gardener 24 8 16 half tsp to a gall here they are one day wowza tell me they love life today mich better .i actually been letting them dry out more then usual cause...