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  1. N

    Closet grow

    So I need to water them now ? I only put like a 1/2 cup on each plant. Cause the soil was so moist and heavy.
  2. N

    Closet grow

    Alright. Thanks
  3. N

    Closet grow

    Water run off? I gave then a bit of water but soil is very moist and heavy. So didn’t give a lot of water. What’s water run off. ? Sorry I have a bad brain injury.
  4. N

    Closet grow

    I transplanted today and now they look like they’re wilting. Was fresh moist soil.
  5. N

    Closet grow

    Ok thanks. New to all this. Hope I don’t kill the plant transplanting. Don’t know if I need root stimulator or not.
  6. N

    Closet grow

    Or this one
  7. N

    Closet grow

    Looks nice. Witch one of these pots should I get ?
  8. N

    Closet grow

    Thanks. Topped them this morning. Already are showing signs of growth. Crazy show fast they are growing. Miracle grow inknow isn’t the best choice. But seems to be working.
  9. N

    Closet grow

    Ok thanks a lot. What does the topping accomplish?
  10. N

    Closet grow

    Thanks. So just do it on the one ? Or both ?
  11. N

    Closet grow

    I’m not sure how tall I should let them get or even how to make them not tall I’d rather them not be really tall but more wide. Wonder how much flower they will produce ?
  12. N

    Closet grow

    Light is about 12” above top of plants. What size pot you think 3 gal be ok? This is my 1st time. Any other tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. N

    Closet grow

    Goals is to produce lots of flowers. No tent. Just in closet. Closet is 2x8ft and height is 8ft. Thanks for the reply
  14. N

    Closet grow

    Fems I believe. I don’t know if pot size it to small. Or if light is too bright or too close. What can I expect next ? Just leave them like they are? Thanks.
  15. N

    Closet grow

    These are Runtz. About 3 weeks old. Not sure what to do next. Do they look ok ? Led light is 7000 lumens.