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  1. greenscreen13

    GM Xmas Grow

    Do you always bend the stems to a 90° when using the screen method?
  2. greenscreen13

    Sept 2024 Bud of the Month

    She's a hairy one
  3. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    That's a valid point honestly but you never really know at the same time just takes one noisy wanna be to ruin everything
  4. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    I thought about ordering a better light too and moving the one I have into my closet as a veg space and use the tent for flower but again, I'm so paranoid ordering anything to the house...I'm in a medical state but not legal to grow anything
  5. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    I have 2 other sour diesel seeds and a random seed from dispensary weed (dante's inferno) I was gonna solo cup that one since it's a good chance it could be hermie. I kinda want to grow a different strain honestly but I haven't decided if I should go see what the dispensary has for seeds or...
  6. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    I got lights just to take better photos of her 😂 It's gonna be a sad and a happy day when it's chopping time
  7. greenscreen13


    Id imagine it makes a lot of kief too?
  8. greenscreen13


    I seen the bowl trimmer but I couldn't understand how it could possibly work without destroying the bud
  9. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Plan is to harvest then turn the tent into the dry area, was just gonna hang er upside down in the tent with the filters still running for airflow,I'm in the desert so I don't have have a lot of humidity. Dry for a week? Then curing in jars for 30 days. I know you burp the jars daily but idk how...
  10. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Okay so pot did feel noticably light today, and she's droopy so she's getting fed. I put a hard cardboard ring under the pot to lift it up too
  11. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Good to know, literally learn something new everyday
  12. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    I have been watering about the same, a gal every 3-4 days to slight run off. I didn't know about elevating the pot but I will do that. I'll give it another day because I really can't tell by the weight.
  13. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Yeah it's got a lil weight to it, it's not much but I notice a lil bit of the droopy leafs but I'm still not watering. I'm most likely just over watering
  14. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    It's hard for me to gage by weight but it feels slightly moist and inch or so deep
  15. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Now I'm confused with the water, she looks like she's starting to wilt today, normally I would water when she looks like this but the slight curve tips make me say not to...idk if I should feed her or not
  16. greenscreen13

    Sept 2024 Bud of the Month

    Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm Seed Co. Day #47 flower My submission might change as it gets closer to harvest and if I take any other good photos but here's my entry as of now
  17. greenscreen13

    August Bud Of The Month

    Congrats @Thomas81
  18. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Mm idk I might wait and see what else I get between now and harvest at the end of the month but maybe