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  1. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    Heres how 2 of my outdoors are doing ;-) Sorry i was late posting pics
  2. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    I just got to my other house and had to post a pic of this. This was my plant i put out waaaay too late, 2nd week of June. I also rarely fed it any food (i did use good soil). But I had no where to put it at home. So i decided to try growing 2 plants out at the Cape. This plant is about as...
  3. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    I got some good pics of the outdoors im doing to post later today and ill have some new pics of the clones. The clones have recovered very well from my overwatering haha. ;-). The outdoors range from 5ft-7ft. Other than one smaller plant that i put out late in the year just for shits n giggles...
  4. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    Ive never done Hydro. Only done soil grown. These are the first clones im doing. Everything else over a 20+ year period were from seed. Indoors and outdoors. And ive had great luck. I think i mentioned a few times i got Males but i caught them before any issues. Overall ive had great luck. But...
  5. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    Ok i have NOT watered them for a few days and i looked at them today and they are no worse than before and actually the new growth looks nice and green. So i think i was just overwatering them like folks above mentioned. But i was afraid to look at them today as i was expecting the worst. So i...
  6. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    Oh and Two of the clones is Chocoberry and the other two are Punchberry. Does anyone have any information about these strains ? My outdoors are strains i created a few years ago. As i said, im new to using clones. Fingers crossed these 4 clones survive and i get rolling here :-)
  7. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    THanks yall for the welcoming :-). Ill post some pics in a few days to update yall on the situation. ;-)
  8. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    ^ Thanks for the info ;-)
  9. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    Haha! Sorry i just figured that out when you replied haha. Ok. Thanks very much for the help. :-)
  10. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    ^ Sorry if i sound like a newbie here but what does FFOF mean ? Ive been growing from seed for 20+ years and never had issues other than i had a few males pop up over the years. But this is my first time doing clones. Ive had great luck growing from seed with this tent i have with the LED...
  11. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    ^ Thank you ;-)
  12. Walt Berger

    Clone issues

    Hi. I just got these rooted clones and i transplanted them into Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Ive done this with seedlings and NEVER had an issue. But these clones are acting funny on... day 6 since transplant. They came in small paper pots and i took them out and put them into these bigger pots...