yarddog's latest activity

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  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Oscarzuma's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Like Like.
    My granddaughter turns 17 in September. Time flies by as you get older. It's been a pretty great trip so far, but the aches and pains...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to MariJan's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Like Like.
    You got old like me My grandson will be 16 in Dec
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    That’s what I’m scared of. All the dumb shit I did. Motorcycle wrecks. Ah shit the world will prolly end before I’m an old man...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Like Like.
    Nothing scary about it, Dog. Fact is, if ya ain't gettin' older, yer dead.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to jagwire2010's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Made it back from the doctor's appointment. One and a half hours travel each way, two and a half hours in the waiting room and fifteen...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Tattered Old Graywolf's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Haha Haha.
    Whose your daddy?
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    • 7CC42A86-5299-40C9-96FA-1CA7F110ED17.png
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Snuck out and mowed the front and side yard. 88 degrees actual and 98 with the heat index. Had all I wanted. Old Hen came out with the...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    I just started buying feed form some Mennonite’s down south of me. Cut my feed bill in half. I’m hoping to sell enough grain to...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Haha Haha.
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Sitting in the heart doctors office. I scanned my paperwork while waiting and of the ten times I made a trigger during the heart...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    I used to joke about old people stuff. Now I’m getting scared of it all!
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Like Like.
    I'm a grandfather of adult grandchildren...how in the fk did that happen? Lmao I get it man, life n all that. Good to see Dad take some...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    I took a few years off, and then I just really don’t do much online anymore. Kids and all, not much spare time.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Like Like.
    @yarddog Good to see ya crank up this old thread.