yarddog's latest activity

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  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread The Original Old Farts Club.
    Maybe things will go well Carty. I miss talking to my sister about recipes and trading flower bulbs and seeds. We put my old bed...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread The Original Old Farts Club.
    Evening folks. Frying up some chicken for supper. Worked on the model today. Just a little more covering on the cowling and the...
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  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Evening folks. Winding down. 4:50 comes quickly. Trying to get a little overtime while I can. Shop is slowing down more and...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Flower's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Ain’t seen @EbbnFlowr on here in a while. Last seen June 19. I hope everything is good.
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    I have a little grow. Small 3x3 tent. Keeps my wife with enough weed from harvest to harvest. I’d like an outdoor grow but it’s...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    No, I do want one though so I can get an eye in the sky. Just never forked the money over for the one I want. I really enjoy...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    That should be on a bumper sticker. let the reader figure out exactly what is missed and sometimes not🤔
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Y’all could hear me from the kitchen?? 🤣 It was meant as a general term. We don’t have any gentleman in this place!
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Well several key members are gone the last year or so.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    You notice that our back and forth banter in the OFC thread is no longer there?
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Afternoon gents. Worked on the model for 9 hours today. Whew. She’s going to be a looker!
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  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Ran out of chicken eggs Takes seven quail eggs to get close to two chicken eggs
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  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Morning y'all, feeling a new freedom today. Got that damn catheter out after surgery. On the mend now without a bag hanging off my leg...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Haha Haha.
    Hippie road with your grader guy?😋
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Morning. Fixing to work on this model while I can. Headed out to work on a quail pen later.