yarddog's latest activity

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  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    A little progress.
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  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Morning. Figured I’d sit outside while it’s still cool. Sun hasn’t broken the horizon yet.
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Coturnix quail, Japanese quail. Jumbo browns. They have many common names. I think the pharaoh are different than these. I have...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Evening peeps. About to call it a night. Working on my model tomorrow. Slight chance I could be covering it this weekend...
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  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    I don’t know if you ever ran across a fellow named Buzzmobile on different forums but he gave me his old craftsman mower several years...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Well, got me a fancy heart monitor for 21 days. Scheduled a echocardiogram and they wanted a sleep study. Drove through a nice rain...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    I have a small indoor. 3x3 and a 2x4 tent but it’s really too small. Plus my kids are getting old enough to go in the basement and...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Afternoon fellow weed smokers. Waiting for my cardio appointment. Then since I’m on that side of town I need to grab some wood...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to MariJan's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Yep a few are slanted from the wind one hat its stake broke but the plant didn't get hurt. I re-staked her she is fine. Even Beasty made...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to jagwire2010's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    My brother seems to be adjusting well to his new home. Food is good, and the other residents are friendly. They have cameras on the...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Morning peeps. Overcast and 81 when I left at 6am. Supposed to be around 95 again today. I’ve settled in, will be like this...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Well folks I’m calling it a night. Helped my dad with my moms car. Me and my oldest boy spotted a little rat snake on the way...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Evening folks. Cardio appointment tomorrow. I’ll sure sleep better with more info. Long as it’s good news🤔 My three year old...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Morning gang. We are having a cooler day. Should only get to around 92 degrees.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Same thing happened to me until I fixed my thyroid.