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  • Walt Berger
    Walt Berger replied to the thread Clone issues.
    Ok i have NOT watered them for a few days and i looked at them today and they are no worse than before and actually the new growth looks...
  • Walt Berger
    Walt Berger replied to the thread Clone issues.
    Oh and Two of the clones is Chocoberry and the other two are Punchberry. Does anyone have any information about these strains ? My...
  • Walt Berger
    Walt Berger replied to the thread Clone issues.
    THanks yall for the welcoming :-). Ill post some pics in a few days to update yall on the situation. ;-)
  • Walt Berger
    Walt Berger replied to the thread Clone issues.
    ^ Thanks for the info ;-)
  • Walt Berger
    Walt Berger replied to the thread Clone issues.
    Haha! Sorry i just figured that out when you replied haha. Ok. Thanks very much for the help. :-)
  • Walt Berger
    Walt Berger replied to the thread Clone issues.
    ^ Sorry if i sound like a newbie here but what does FFOF mean ? Ive been growing from seed for 20+ years and never had issues other...
  • Walt Berger
    Walt Berger replied to the thread Clone issues.
    ^ Thank you ;-)
  • Walt Berger
    Hi. I just got these rooted clones and i transplanted them into Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Ive done this with seedlings and NEVER had...
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