Recent content by smaccio

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  1. smaccio

    Smach's 2024 Virginia outdoor grow

    The keep the deer and bunnies of the seedlings, and a piece of plexiglas laid over the top helps protect from Spring storms beating the poor things up.
  2. smaccio

    Smach's 2024 Virginia outdoor grow

    Day 35 Coming right along. I love the sunny, bug-free, low humidity, non-powdery white mildew days of Spring. Thinking compact plants might be an advantage come Aug-October when I'm battling storms and humidity, I decided to top a couple of times this year. Otherwise, come September when I'm...
  3. smaccio

    Smach's 2024 Virginia outdoor grow

    Three weeks in. All the GSC are looking great. Two Gary Paytons are spindly but probably OK. None of the Critical Jack were good. One GSC and one Gary in the big pots are my keepers, and the others go to friends and family. Spread the wealth / spread the odds of success!
  4. smaccio

    Smach's 2024 Virginia outdoor grow

    I'm branching out this year. I bought three each of Critical Jack, Gary Payton, and Girl Scout Cookie from Weedseedexpress. So far I'm not impressed with the germination rate. I only want one of each plant, but I always enjoy giving away extra seedlings. Two Gary Paytons popped and are leggy as...
  5. smaccio

    Smach's 2024 Virginia outdoor grow

    Spring is here. The birds are singing, the fog's rolling down off the Blue Ridge, and the seeds are sprouting! First of the new grow. More to come. It's great to be back.
  6. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    Yeah man - 'bout perfect for me. Not the dankest killer stuff, but tasty and makes me feel real good! Since I'm geeky, let's see if I can figure out how to post the lab report. Just under 16% THC. Plenty for a lightweight like me.
  7. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    60570 - thanks for all your wisdom. You've made me a better grower and entertained us all in the process.
  8. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    10 days drying in the shed under pretty decent conditions - cool and dry so easy to maintain 60 degrees / 60% humidity. 9 oz in the Grove bags should hold me until next season (yes, I'm a lightweight)! Smells great.
  9. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    Day 150 Down she goes. Coulda gone a few more days, but roughly 10% amber trichs (doesn't really show up in the picture, but they're there), foggy as hell this morning, wet weather coming, heading out of town tomorrow for the week, so into the shed for drying seems the wise move. The branches...
  10. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    B Monkey- thanks for the input. I'd love to wait until the middle of October...18 more days and see how it goes. Definitely don't want to jump the gun on harvest. I'm not seeing any true amber trichs yet. Some seem to be just a little pale / tan. I've grown this strain before - Girl Scout Cookie...
  11. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    It's not a security issue. I'm worried she'll "over-ripen" while I'm away. Gone until the 15th. Bad time to be away, I know.
  12. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    Day 141 The end is near. I'm curious on opinions...I'd like to run another week and chop before I head out of town on the 7th. Do y'all think that'll be OK, from what you can see? Some trichs are like pale tan...not really amber. Sticky and dank. Smells like lemon and camphor. Weather looks...
  13. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    Are your plants too far into flower to spray?
  14. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    I had a few earlier in the season, but I his them with bT and haven't had a problem recently.
  15. smaccio

    Central Virginia outdoor grow

    Fall color...