Recent content by runyoned18

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  1. runyoned18

    What is in your backyard?

    Ate yo many fermented apples and passed out. Lol
  2. runyoned18

    A Story to tell.

  3. runyoned18

    A Story to tell.

    This is Stoner now. He had to many fermented apples under the tree and got drunk and slept for 4 hours.
  4. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    Yes I just ordered some agar plates
  5. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    Have you mixed the mycelium up in the jar so it can spread. I will usually mix it up when about 30 percent of mycelium has taken over. And sometimes it does take longer to grow.
  6. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    I just got done with jedi mind fuck and it was disappointing from what my friends that tried it said. The best strains that people liked were the south American and albino pens envy with the best one being the south American. It is easy to grow as well.
  7. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    Yes I ordered them from mush since. I think the name is right. Lol
  8. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    I have the south American, blue meanie and albino penis envy reverted about ready in a day or two.
  9. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    I have yet to try mushrooms but have grown a lot of them since the last time I was on here. You need to try the south America everyone that I gave some to was blown away. These are what I have now growing. Albino penis envy
  10. runyoned18

    Computer Problems

    Hey fellow smokers I just wanted everyone to know since we are talking about computers there is a new scam out there. Three days ago, my computer screen went black, and it said to call Microsoft at a given number on the screen to fix it. When you call the number, it really sounds real, you get...
  11. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    I have noticed one thing out when growing your mycelium in the grain bags. The last three bags that were heavy amounts of grain 10lb bags were the ones that got contaminated while the smaller bags of 3lbs did not. I think it takes the mycelium so much longer to grow in the bigger bags they get a...
  12. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    How long do they take because I have and Cant get any of it to grow outside.
  13. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    ok I do have a spot under the outside porch. Thanks
  14. runyoned18

    Marijuana or mushrooms what's your favorite?

    Well, don't feel too bad I just had to throw away about 12 pounds of Blue Meanies and Albino penis envy and Jedi mind FK mycelium that started molding. I do have a fruiting chamber of blue meanies that did just start pinning though YAY.