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Michael Barlow

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    • Michael Barlow
      Michael Barlow replied to the thread F**k Cancer.
      Extensive stage wasn't told that till last night
    • Michael Barlow
      Michael Barlow replied to the thread F**k Cancer.
      She's not smoking she actually quit about a month before she was diagnosed been getting edibles gummies and RSO for her just to cope...
    • Michael Barlow
      Michael Barlow replied to the thread F**k Cancer.
      Been reading and searching what ever I can. We have been together a long time. So it's it's hard especially when dealing with people...
    • Michael Barlow
      Michael Barlow replied to the thread F**k Cancer.
      I know trying to get her family on.board. I believe the plant can do way more for her. At least if the worst happens she will go with...
    • Michael Barlow
      Michael Barlow replied to the thread F**k Cancer.
      My bad when i said my girl meant girlfriend
    • Michael Barlow
      Michael Barlow replied to the thread F**k Cancer.
      Not on board with it
    • Michael Barlow
      Michael Barlow replied to the thread F**k Cancer.
      Going to have to be indoors at this point. Had too take my 5×5 down because of moving and not allowed to grow in NJ yet. Got a couple...
    • Michael Barlow
      What's up everyone, IAM Michael 56 years old from the hide your garden State NJ. IAM trying to help my girl out she was just diagnosed...
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