Recent content by Lady Zandra

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  1. Lady Zandra

    I still can't make quality product after three grows. I just don't get it!

    You 1st--I agree with the others on how you are drying and curing...but also, how long are you letting them flower? If cut too soon, they are grassy, harsh, and have fewer trichomes and terpenes. Also- you are probably not watering/ferting correctly! You use nutes 1x a week and only water (pH...
  2. Lady Zandra

    What is in your backyard?

    PawPaws are actually native to Michigan- but because of the de-foresting and such- almost unknown here anymore! We even have a City named Pawpaw because so many used to grow there! I want to plant a good sized patch of them, plus replace the blueberry bushes the goat ate...we have 5 100+ year...
  3. Lady Zandra

    Auto's Done Carty's Way

    The big thing to keep an eye on is the pH! It is considered ''hydro'' since there is no actual soil- so keep the pH lower! Check your run-off, we found different brands of coco can f**k with the pH a bit! Keep us posted on how you like it! :cool:❤️
  4. Lady Zandra

    The Original Old Farts Club

    probably!!!! 😆 😈 👍
  5. Lady Zandra

    The Original Old Farts Club

    Hey all-- I am definitely an old fart.. not a 'fairer sex' per-se...big ol' farm girl.... Watch out-- us Women-folk will take over! Mwaahahaha!!!! 😈😆
  6. Lady Zandra

    What is in your backyard?

    You have a BEAUTIFUL property! Looks like the Great Lakes area?? And you have PAWPAWS!!??? Am trying to get plants lined up for this coming spring!! 👍
  7. Lady Zandra

    What is in your backyard?

    Bobcats, coyotes, fox, Raccoons, opossums, TONS of deer...Bald eagles, hawks, owls, vultures-- you name it--if it can live in Michigan- it's back there! We have had dozens of Black Bear and Cougar sightings w/photo's within half a mile of we fenced in an area for the dogs... which...
  8. Lady Zandra

    Auto's Done Carty's Way

    Hey hun!! 1st time here-- and 1st time seeing your tutorial! NIIICE!! Don't think I ever asked you- do you ever use coco for your auto's? What did you think? We've been using Fox Farm Cultivation Nation 70% coco and 30% pearlite these past 2 grows... wondering if the auto's would like it or...
  9. Lady Zandra

    What's Your Go-To Coffee Table Book?

    We have SO MANY-- but my 3 favorites are The 1st Edition Smithsonian 'Treasures of Tutankhamun'', ''Dragonology'', or any one of my Books on Japanese or ancient Art.
  10. Lady Zandra

    Carty's other Projects

    Yep! And BOY do they get HUGE outdoors! We ''accidentally'' threw out some seeds that had dropped into the Moms planters by dumping the used soil out back this past winter... Got 4 plants-- 1 small but hearty male...a HUGE male...and 2 GINOURMOUS Females!! The biggest one is now 9+ feet x 6ft...
  11. Lady Zandra

    Can't wait to ''meet'' Y'all!!

    Hello everyone, I am Lady Zandra. My hubby is Draig, and we've been growing together for over 20 years. We started small, when my Dad (an old Commune-Hippy from the Hippy Trail Days) brought us a tray of strawberry plants- and 4 that just looked a little different LOL! He also gifted us with...