Hippie420's latest activity

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  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to MariJan's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    I used to live In Central IL. First Cullom then moved to Piper city was there 3 years I would have still been there had my patents not...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to Bugus_Monkey's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Oh, she's full of something... I've had dogs my whole life and this one is the hardest headed one of all.. We are dealing with it.. The...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to ness's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Morning Misfits. 19 degrees here in GA. Nothing planned for today just going to kick back. Going to be cooking a roast beef dinner...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to ness's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    She's adorable Bugus. Is she full of sprit? Give her a hug for me. I just love my furry pals. Have a great day.
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to Bugus_Monkey's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Love Love.
    My Christmas present... She is now just a little over 3 and a half months old. Great Pyrenees - Woo hoo - Just what I always wanted...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to Bugus_Monkey's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    High projected to be a balmy 25 today - tonight's low 14.. Currently 8 F/n degrees in the jungles of central IL. At least it is not too...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 replied to the thread Tell me about your workouts.
    I do 24oz curls, Tuesdays and Fridays. I'm up to two and a half.
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to Oscarzuma's post in the thread Tell me about your workouts with Like Like.
    At this age I'm swimming for 60-90 minutes, riding a bike, and rowing for exercise. The rowing is a terrific exercise, used to have my...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to MariJan's post in the thread Tell me about your workouts with Like Like.
    Me too but not from work walking back and forth in my house the property etc. I also do 15 minutes daily on the stair stepper another...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Tell me about your workouts with Like Like.
    I'm 69. I'll set and watch. I get plenty exercise at work. I put in close to 9 or 10 thousand steps a day.😁
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to BasicMember's post in the thread Tell me about your workouts with Haha Haha.
    Workouts I love doing when I am high. And since I am high all the time, it's what I do. Swimming. I love swimming in warm water and...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to Oscarzuma's post in the thread again with Like Like.
    Most pounds will let you bring a dog home on a trial basis to see if they fit with your pack. I'm about ready for a dog after losing...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to ness's post in the thread again with Like Like.
    Morning Roster, I want to get another dog from the pound or some place. But bringing in a puppy wouldn't be fair to the other three...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to RosterMan's post in the thread again with Like Like.
    Yrs ago I pretended to buy one for my wife one Christmas She was not crazy about it, But you know me I got a puppy instead and surprised...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to ness's post in the thread again with Like Like.
    Roster I always wanted a pet piggy like those one. Never did. I guess it wasn't in the stars.