Hippie420's latest activity

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  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to giggy's post in the thread The Original Old Farts Club with Like Like.
    Afternoon, having internet problems at work. Can get into some things and not others. Bad part the ones I can't get into is the ones we...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to CrashMagnet's post in the thread Crash Journal with Like Like.
    I think my seedling SFs are in 50 degree temps most of the time. I wonder if that's why they are growing so slow. Of course, that's what...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to MariJan's post in the thread Crash Journal with Like Like.
    I will be starting them in plugs this time as Its been colder than normal in my house right now. I am having trouble getting them to...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to MariJan's post in the thread Crash Journal with Like Like.
    Thanks I started my next grow earlier than I would have I want my freaks to get enough veg time before the Sun flips them Second week of...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to CrashMagnet's post in the thread Crash Journal with Like Like.
    The plant is older than that. I just started the recording from 18 days ago. Supafreaks tend to grow pretty slow, especially when they...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to ness's post in the thread Crash Journal with Like Like.
    CrashMagnet your grow is going great. Love the video effect. She is just 18 days that's wonderful growth. Have fun.
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread Crash Journal with Like Like.
    Ya know ya got some good growth when ya have to jack up the temp gauge on the wall..lol. Cool as hell to watch these blow up.
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Crash Journal with Haha Haha.
    Laughing my ass off. I can just see Crash setting at the end of Carty and the Wife's bed eating popcorn and watching tv. Cartys Wife...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to MariJan's post in the thread Crash Journal with Like Like.
    That Jacks though
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to CrashMagnet's post in the thread Crash Journal with Like Like.
    I managed to sneak out to the attic and tape one end of the room. I had almost an hour before my coworkers started harassing me on Slack...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to RosterMan's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    One could keep Bodies on ice in this weather
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to ness's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    jagwire I haven't had a cup of hot chocolate in a long while, next run to the store I'm picking some up. Enjoy.
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to ness's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Morning Misfits. 38 going on here and cloudy. Just staying home for the day and the rest of the month for the matter first time in...
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to jagwire2010's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Drinking a cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. Yummy!
  • Hippie420
    Hippie420 reacted to ness's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Just love to smoke hash it's my favorite. Looking forward to making my own if it works out that way.:canabis: