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  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Dreaming Big 2.0 with Like Like.
    Helped split up a bale of "Columbian" weed once. It was Jamaican. You could see the Paraquat spots on a few of the buds. Looked straw...
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to KGB's post in the thread Dreaming Big 2.0 with Haha Haha.
    Clones stands for you better think like they are infested whether you see it or not. I have never used a clone but every old time...
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 replied to the thread Dreaming Big 2.0.
    Isolating new plants is a smart move anytime. I've pondered buying a clone from the local shop. Hell, they're only $20. That's way...
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Dreaming Big 2.0 with Like Like.
    The one and only clone I bought was from a dispensary. It was the Black Vietnamese/Northern Lights strain that I cloned and grew out...
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 replied to the thread Indoor easy grow.
    Yeah man, that's pretty high concentrate. Them edibles can be like a mild shroomy trip. And it seems to last forever when your on a...
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Indoor easy grow with Haha Haha.
    I get in trouble making edibles. I've got a bad habit of licking my fingers when I get butter on 'em. It catches up.
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to jambamamba's post in the thread Indoor easy grow with Like Like.
    That spicy taste is a mfr. It's not strong but it's ****** yuck
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to jambamamba's post in the thread Indoor easy grow with Haha Haha.
    4 reg sticks and roughly 3oz of bud, maybe a bit more. Made 2 batches though and I was "seeing " or "dreaming" while trying to sleep but...
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 replied to the thread Indoor easy grow.
    Holy ****...the whole Yeah edibles can have a green taste of all Those must be some mind bender brownies...
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to jambamamba's post in the thread Indoor easy grow with Haha Haha.
    @greenmobster440 I just would like to say, I made brownies from the auto pineapple piggy and they were a hint spicy (kinda like burnt...
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to KGB's post in the thread KGB’s EarthBox Grow with Like Like.
    Strange thing is the trichomes are milky but the leaves should be dying back and they are all going as strong as ever. Healthiest...
  • greenmobster440
    I'm alone for Xmas. Just me n my girls.
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to giggy's post in the thread The Original Old Farts Club with Like Like.
    The wife and I hardly ever get each other something for Christmas, sometimes we will surprise one or the other. We look at all the...
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 replied to the thread 2 nd grow.
    Just keep playing around with it. Them leaf temps are fine. Gotta be something simple. Plant looks fine overall.
  • greenmobster440
    greenmobster440 reacted to george goff's post in the thread 2 nd grow with Like Like.
    leaf temp is 70 to 71 degrees, i'm going to raise humidity back to high 70's see what happens, thanks dude