Flower's latest activity

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  • Flower
    Flower reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread KGB Grow with Like Like.
    A scrog is pretty easy to manage. A little super cropping happens from time to time to get branches to go where you want them to...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to KGB's post in the thread KGB Grow with Like Like.
    I tried to semi correct it but you beat me to the post! The only thing about scrog I can’t quite figure out is should I allow the plant...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to KGB's post in the thread KGB Grow with Like Like.
    I will check that out thanks. Lots of great information in previous grows
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread KGB Grow with Like Like.
    Sounds like music to my ears. I practice bdsm on my girls. They know who big daddy is..lmao I do a lot of training. Check out my GM...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to KGB's post in the thread KGB Grow with Like Like.
    Actually i used filters on my previous photos but this is just a straight shot with a newer low end galaxy phone I picked up for $30 to...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread KGB Grow with Like Like.
    @KGBSkunky ya had me at scrog...great idea. Amazing how well those filters work. I'm in a 1brm apt. 32sqft of tents just 5' from the...
  • Flower
    How did you go about decarbing the kief? Same as Hopper, 240 for 40?
  • Flower
    I decarbed some kief. Rocket fuel it is. Put some in capsules. Wife swallowed 2 grams. Oh what a mess. Practically drooling. Big fun!!!
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to MariJan's post in the thread Making fem seeds using colloidal silver with Like Like.
    I have talked to several people that use this method. I was instructed to keep spraying her until I see her start to drop pollen. Even...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread First photo grow with Like Like.
    Just use common sense when working from below up. Your at the stage where it can benefit your grow by removing material below. Stuff you...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread Carty's Collective Crosses with Like Like.
    Hey bro.... Sour Diesel x Strawberry Cough. No photos but the guy who passed these to me only grows a few strains.. very picky...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread Beans from Carty with Like Like.
    Hopefully they will grow out of the using the plants for scratching posts... maybe put something in the yard that they love even...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread Auto's Done Carty's Way with Like Like.
    Leaf removal is a positive thing if done with some common sense. Folks think nothing of removing a top yet freak out when someone...
  • Flower
    Flower replied to the thread Auto's Done Carty's Way.
    I can’t believe they got to you that fast. The F around and find out stickers were actually another job that came through the shop, I...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread Auto's Done Carty's Way with Like Like.
    Strawberry Beast is next.... I added pollen by hand, painted a few branches.. so fingers crossed. Want to see why I'm so excited about...