Flower's latest activity

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  • Flower
    Flower reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Auto's Done Carty's Way with Like Like.
    There was this Rastafarian that use to do the same thing. He would remove all the fan leaves about 2 or 3 weeks before harvest. Nothing...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to yarddog's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Here is my Spitfire. I bought it already built. It flies very well, has a Saito 100 four cycle methanol engine. 1 cubic inch😂. It...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to yarddog's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Evening folks. We got almost two inches of rain. My next project is finishing the Citabria I started over a year ago. It’s not far...
  • Flower
    Ahhhh... fun is a state of mind sometimes.. Today was not my funday... wife hurt her ankle so it's left me to do 3 loads of laundry...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread GM Photo ReRun with Like Like.
    Really nice setup.. I hope others are taking notes. The end results don't lie people... watch and learn how he does his early...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread GM Photo ReRun with Like Like.
    Super clean setup.... love all you do. Are you paying attention everyone. his end results speak volumes... wish I could blow up my...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread First photo grow with Like Like.
    Looking really good man... I can see the smile on that proud poppa's face... lol. If you would like to see your plants buds blow...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread Auto's Done Carty's Way with Like Like.
    Just 1 day after removing the cotyledon leaf and others... let the stretch begin. Tonight I made the decision... and culled the...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread Auto's Done Carty's Way with Like Like.
    Yo GM my brudda.... I absolutely dig your entire setup.... keeping the grow bags up so air will flow to the bottom holes, excellent...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread Carty's other Projects with Like Like.
    Freakshow F2 "The White Pheno" I gifted some of these seeds to my brudda JT who sent them to Dr Anna who wanted to grow them out...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread Carty's Collective Crosses with Like Like.
    And I will be making more and more available, if your looking for anything specific ask me... it may just not be listed ok. The goal...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to Carty's post in the thread Hello MJ Passion with Like Like.
    What a nice welcoming committee we have here.... lol. Draig is one of my long time grow buddies, he's an old school hippie and shows it...
  • Flower
    Flower replied to the thread GM Xmas Grow.
    I don’t remember who the breeder was, but I remember reading the story about how they got their name, lol. I am surprised you planted...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread GM Xmas Grow with Like Like.
    Yeah man, them ForgetMeNots are gonna be a mystery if I find a girl. Talked with the breeder and he said there's fire in there but can't...
  • Flower
    Flower reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread GM Photo ReRun with Like Like.
    Cap Junky is moving into the screen.