CrashMagnet's latest activity

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  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to MtnStew's post in the thread Dreaming Big 2.0 with Like Like.
    Dreamberry Ultra Lemon Haze Lemon Lime Sherbert All the burn shown on these was from the IPM oils not drying enough before the...
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to MtnStew's post in the thread Dreaming Big 2.0 with Haha Haha.
    I'm oldish.... but my mom had to help me with these references 🤣🤣
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to KGB's post in the thread Dreaming Big 2.0 with Like Like.
    I remember back when I was a dirt farmer. I felt safe then as Matt Dillon was marshal of my town. That’s right…I am from Dodge City...
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet replied to the thread Crash Journal.
    Only two free hours today, and I wasted half of it looking for the tool I used to use to cut holes for outlets. Ended up using a box...
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  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread 1st bubble with Like Like.
    When you think it's dry enough, you can buy a little rig to compress it into whatever weights you want. I put mine in one or two gram...
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to Oscarzuma's post in the thread 1st bubble with Like Like.
    The bottle method was just something I heard online. I did want a solid texture as opposed to the semi powdery version as sold by the...
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread 1st bubble with Like Like.
    My oldest friend used to do the hot wine bottle trick. I honestly didn't care too much for it, but I never told him 'cause he thought so...
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to Oscarzuma's post in the thread 1st bubble with Like Like.
    After five days drying, I put the hash away this morning. It probably didn't need that long but with a busy few days lately, I had no...
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to Joes grows ct's post in the thread Auto's Done Carty's Way with Like Like.
    It's not bad when I break it up now and smoke it's not as intense the high but mellow and a long high
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Crash Journal with Like Like.
    Nope. Stay on the right. You don't want your rip being the same length, so cut it back to the next stud/joist.
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet replied to the thread Crash Journal.
    A question for you pros. Should I move the next 4X8 section to the left side of the ceiling, sort of staggering the seams, or does it mater?
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet replied to the thread Crash Journal.
    I had about 4 hours to work in the attic today. I mostly just cleared the floor and made a few more openings for storage. I filled the...
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  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet replied to the thread Crash Journal.
    Didn't get much done today. Mostly just removing some junk and making openings to the storage space on the outside of the truss...
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to greenphene's post in the thread NEW BEGINNINGS with Like Like.
    These are my fruit tree clones that I did this fall mostly pomegranate trees is showing le as ves. So in about April these pomegranate...
  • CrashMagnet
    CrashMagnet reacted to greenphene's post in the thread NEW BEGINNINGS with Like Like.