Recent content by Chris Gochis

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  1. Chris Gochis

    What is in your backyard?

    Blackberries make some of the best FFJ A person can make. Fermented fruit juice. 2 to 4 tbl sp per gallon of water for foliar and root drench
  2. Chris Gochis

    Paonia purple paralyzer

    Awesome old school Colorado p-bud Had six seed only three popped Like all three fems. Bred all to three deep chunk males. Should produce some kick ass mothers of old school rock hard indica.
  3. Chris Gochis


    From ace grown in Puna hawaii! Nice cherry incense smell. Getting frosty. Always battling some type of fungus or pest in the jungle. Duck shit, em1, ffj, fpj A bit of organic 8/8/8 granular humus with myco in the homemade soil mix. Compost tea as well Bout 7 weeks flower. Two pheno from...
  4. Chris Gochis

    Entry Thread - Bud Picture of the Month June 2023

    Gary Payton grown in Puna hawaii All organic, pesticide free. Always a battle in the jungle!
  5. Chris Gochis

    Old school

    We can basically grow all year long, longest day is about 13.5 hours of sun Shortest 10.5. The hard part is vegging, takes adding light to keep plants in veg. For this most of us have two greenhouses. Light comes on in veg gh at one am and goes off at seven am. Natural light during the day...
  6. Chris Gochis

    Old school

    Destroyer from my old friend oldsog
  7. Chris Gochis

    Old school

    Thanks for the welcome, see some very old friends here! Hope I can be an asset. Appreciate it!
  8. Chris Gochis

    Old school

    It’s me boo. ctg Thanks for the welcome
  9. Chris Gochis

    Old school

    Been in the scene since the early 80’s did 5 years fed time in the early 2000’s for. Canna. Lived in Colorado, Montana, oregon, california and now Puna hawaii. Legal med patient grower/ breeder/ owner of GoodGear seeds