Recent content by Bullshoalsguy

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  1. Bullshoalsguy

    2024 grow is off and running!

    Thanks. It’s been a labor of love
  2. Bullshoalsguy

    2024 grow is off and running!

    I’m now at a bit over 7 weeks from seed. All looking good currently feeding for growth. Tallest a bit over 5 feet
  3. Bullshoalsguy

    2024 grow is off and running!

    Current garden and girls all in a row
  4. Bullshoalsguy

    2024 grow is off and running!

    Updating about a month in. Garden is coming along. Have 10 girls in 25 gallon pots. I’ll get pics of them tomorrow. Here is the Strawberry Cough from original post
  5. Bullshoalsguy

    It’s a beautiful day when that first pot goes out.

    Missouri can be 80 or 30 on any given day in April.
  6. Bullshoalsguy

    It’s a beautiful day when that first pot goes out.

    I’m early, zone 6b. If it gets below 40 I’ll put it in the greenhouse. Always excited this time of year!
  7. Bullshoalsguy

    2024 grow is off and running!

    Earliest I’ve tried. Outdoor grow as normal. Strawberry cough and chocolato. Will update as we go. Also expanding the garden. Using 25 gallon pots this year, may put a few in raised beds.
  8. Bullshoalsguy

    How do I make something useful from last two years leftovers

    I think bubble hash but no idea how to do that. Have about 4 lbs to deal with I’ve looked but hard to find a walk through on how to make it. Any insight would be helpful!
  9. Bullshoalsguy

    What to do when you can’t find jars and your bags are delayed?

    Take your wife’s old cookie tins for a temp fix until the bags arrive!
  10. Bullshoalsguy

    Entry Thread - Bud Picture of the Month October 2023

    Guess this is my best bud from my screwed up grow this year. Smells amazing. Chocolope with its first haircut will snip again after drying
  11. Bullshoalsguy

    Good news (kinda) about my plant loss

    You read my mind! I washed 4 buckets on all. Peroxide, lemon, rinse rinse
  12. Bullshoalsguy

    Good news (kinda) about my plant loss

    Appreciate all the kind words. I talked to a master naturalist about it today before I chopped them all down and he said “have you really looked at all the plants? You may have Septoria lycopersici”. I’m too stupid to know what that is. He explained that since I had tomatos in the same garden...
  13. Bullshoalsguy

    Let us have a moment of silence ……

    ok serious question. Why shouldnt I switch to auto’s? I’ve never grown them but I seem to have issues here in Missouri mid September on. I could plant May 1 harvest in august. What’s the downside?
  14. Bullshoalsguy

    Let us have a moment of silence ……

    Welp guess no bud of the year this year! 😂😂
  15. Bullshoalsguy

    Let us have a moment of silence ……

    Weather I couldn’t fight. Had dew set in every morning then 90 degree days. Abnormal weather but the wet got in and cooked them rot went crazy.