Recent content by archtype111

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  1. archtype111

    Getting back into it

    I order most of my supplies online. It's more convenient and you have many options.
  2. archtype111

    My new little friend.

    interested in how it produces
  3. archtype111

    Beginning covert outdoor grow in N.E.

    Plant update. 4/6 plants remaining. I chopped one of the Goji plants that had just a few popcorn buds at the bottom of the plant that had PM. Tricomes were cloudy with a tiny bit of amber. I would have liked to let her go a bit longer but time is not going to be on my side. Some travel plus four...
  4. archtype111

    Beginning covert outdoor grow in N.E.

    Plant update. I had to take the Chiquita Banana plant early because PM started to appear. I chucked about half the plant just to make sure I had clean flower hanging. Some cloudy trichomes but mostly still clear on the five remaining plants.
  5. archtype111


    I would question how much and frequency of water/feed.
  6. archtype111

    Beginning covert outdoor grow in N.E.

    Plant update. Line up is 2 Beast Mode, 2 Goji, a Snow Leopard and a Chiquita Banana Beast Mode #1 structure is solid cola stems and getting heavy. Next is Beast Mode #2 with large buds spread out which will make this plant an easy trim. Goji #1 Goji #2
  7. archtype111

    Plant sudden collspse?

    Maybe something has got to the roots? I assume you have no pest issues on the leaves?
  8. archtype111

    Closet grow

    How are you set for ventilation? They will smell alot. No getting around that. So they need to vent and a little fan to create a slight breeze also is needed. They look good.
  9. archtype111

    Beginning covert outdoor grow in N.E.

    Plants update. I have been spraying down weekly with Lost Coast to keep the pests and MP away and all six plants look good. One of the two BeastMode autos that turned out not to be an auto is still the farthest along and bulking up. I really like the structure of this plant. I have done one...
  10. archtype111


    I use my 16" trimmer after the branches have hung for about a week depending on humidity. I hang them in a large outdoor storage building. I use the trimmer before I bag them up in paper bags, before half gallon mason jars for the final cure. I like the way they work. I still hand trim anything...
  11. archtype111

    raised beds and watering

    Your plants look great. I would not believe that your greenhouse will keep any bugs at bay. I have seen the same or different bugs on my outside vs. greenhouse plants. Bugs will get in. I would definately pre-treat if you can before flower starts really taking off. For me the greenhouse acts...
  12. archtype111

    Beginning covert outdoor grow in N.E.

    Why? Because of similar issues?
  13. archtype111

    Beginning covert outdoor grow in N.E.

    Everything in the N.E. is getting plenty of water again this year. No flooded plants this year. I made sure to plant my two rows on the highest ridges in the garden and it seems to have worked so far. I have an issue that I need help with on four of my plants. I do not see this leaf cupping...
  14. archtype111

    Beginning covert outdoor grow in N.E.

    Update on my six plants. I had 3 auto flower Beast Mode and a Gabagoo which did not produce much in the greenhouse and ended up in the trash can because of inexperiance and lack of care probably. Remaining outside are: 2 Auto Beast Mode - must have been photo period versions. 2 Goji x SSDD 1...
  15. archtype111

    MJP’s Grow Off Rules

    Sounds good. I grew 3 Maui Wowie plants a few years ago and it was my favorite strain as long as it lasted.