Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Greetings -- I'm an old fart and I was wondering if there are other old carts out there quietly growing weed !-- I grow a White Widow rotation in aero under LEDs!- I hope there are other seniors out there who find it easier to talk to people closer to their age. Coming out of the shadows is a big step for me and I hope others will come around maybe have a morning communal Wake and Bake!- I'm just barely computer literate so don't let that stop U ! We will learn from each other ! I'll figure out that profile thing later !
Welcome to MP...I don't consider 50 year olds seniors though. :)
! am one of them old smelling people 51 and a psycho as well lol but i still can perform in the sack like if i was 20 lol least i think so i can't remember now hell i forgot the question hahahaha
Nah, no old people here. We are all very very young.

Well, compared to the pyramids, anyway.
:vap_bong__emoticon:62 and a happy grower my man keef. new to this site hi all
Sixty-two years young and enjoying life!.. LOL...50 isn't a senior!

Welcome to MP, both Keef and bozzo420.
Greetings -- I'm an old fart and I was wondering if there are other old carts out there quietly growing weed !-- I grow a White Widow rotation in aero under LEDs!- I hope there are other seniors out there who find it easier to talk to people closer to their age. Coming out of the shadows is a big step for me and I hope others will come around maybe have a morning communal Wake and Bake!- I'm just barely computer literate so don't let that stop U ! We will learn from each other ! I'll figure out that profile thing later !
Welcome and yes an interesting concept, of a canna site devoted to those over 50 years old ...? like my first attempt to grow cannabis back iin 1974....! Oh the horrors ....lol
Welcome Keef, you found us, the AARP of pot growing. We are glad you are here.

Welcome to you too Bozzo420! You and I are the same age. Glad you are here as well! Enjoy.
Looky here, and what did I find ?
A bunch of like minded old farts, if I do say so myself.
Keef, bozzo420, sounds familiar through the haze in my head.
Wake and bake, with the Widow you say ? I say...hell yes.

I be 66 years young.
WOW !-- I think I found my people !-- Ole Keef be a young 58 yr. old Wildman !-- so many people responded so quick I'm kinda overwhelmed !-- Good to be here thanks for the welcome ! Some of U I might already know and I Hope to make many new friends here ! About my grow-- I have 2 grow rooms one for Veg. and one for bloom -- I have 6 aero boxes with plans to add 2 more -- I've been running my W.W. -- SOG rotation for about a year ! On the first of the month I move a box into bloom! I veg. 18-6 and bloom at 12-12-- I'm looking for a legendary indica to cross on my best Widow line to shorten finish timewithout hurting her potency -- any suggestions ?? Thanks for the Big Welcome !!- We gonna have coffee and smoke a little something for breakfast ?
Any of U guys and dolls make your own Medicine -- Cannacaps ? Other extracts? Any recipes for a good E-cig liquid ? Anyone make their own alcohol for extractions ? Green Dragon ? Ole Keef like a little Widow Juice anyway it come ! U dirt farmers having a good year -- Ain't nothing wrong with dirt farmers !-- I would still be one myself if it wouldn't have been for an infestation of them Damn Dog Pecker knats !! Made me crazy!-- That severe head injury back in '99 had nothing to do with me being crazy !! It was the knats !!
Dog pecker knats ? Water from the bottom only .... no more knats. Never had a problem with `em.
Wake and bake time.
Coffee and the Widow go great together.
Time to check on my baby girls.
Have 11 sprouts, about 2 1/2 weeks old.
Any guesses on the number of females ?
Morning all !-- glad I ain't smoking alone this morning !-- Wake and Bake Ya'll !-- I crippled into the kitchen made me some coffee !- couple tokes later I passed myself in the hall -- I just know it's gonna be a good day !! Yoop -- 3-boys- 3 girls- 3 hermies!!--
keef, my good man, got a question.
3+3+3=9, what about the other 2 ?
NO hermies, never have had one.
I understand the math problem, the Widow did it.
Let me get my calculator out ! --U might be right !-- Yep !!-- just came back from checking on the girls -- U never had a hermie Yoop ?-- Do U grow feminized seed ?-- I haven 't had to start any seed since last year !-- I got 2 -- 34 spot aero boxes in grow and I try to keep them full of clones at assorted stages of rooting-- now that I'm having about 80% success rate at revegging I've had to really cut back on cloning !-- the revegges produce more the second time around and I got a couple I'm about to harvest for the third time ! Water from the bottom ?-- I got that covered with aero !-- just don't know how to start seed except in dirt !- got to do that in a couple months-- got to get my Widow to finish closer to 60 days-- thinking about crossing it with AK-47 -- Chem Dawg- G-13 x Hash Plant -- or Northern Lights #1-- WHY Breed it myself instead of just buying seed ? -- I know what I got and and the right male will give me something no one else has !-- it's not about a variety-- it's the search for the right plant !--
First 2 grows were from photo period seeds.
Next 3 were feminized.
This time, back to photo period seeds.
And yes, never had a hermie.
Have only grown in dirt.
Sprout all seeds directly in dirt with 90-100% success rate.
All grows consisted of 4-12 plants to start with, before eliminating the males from the photo period grows.
Also have grown auto`s twice.
good morning all. Dog pecker Gnats easy to get rid of. A1/4 inch of sand on top of the dirt . Smothers the larva that are in roots. ....no more gnats. I just wish mold was as easy to get rid of. **** sucks. Nothing but seeds from now on. Clones from ******** that sell them to you knowing what they have sucks big time. but between peroxide and water ,vinegar and water and milk and water.......I'll be ok . but still sucks.... otherwise GOOD MORNING life is great...
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