My 1st real growm moved from Outdoor

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
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I thought I'd move my thread here from Outdoors, maybe get a little advice and help.
Seeds popped on 6-21-12, bag seed, wasnt half bad really. I'll copy and paste for accuracy. :D

And here it is -

I finally got my 6, 5 week old plants (bagseed, I'm a newbie after all) in the ground last night. :)

This is my second try this year, health problems, nuff said.

I was waiting for the chance, gotta be stealthy ya' know.
Anyway, it was overcast and cloudy, small chance of rain, just perfect.
It was quite a shock to see them root bound, in 1 gallon pots, but things went perfect.

The spot I picked is perfect, dont we all say that? extremely easy access, water close by,

pics posted soon, if I can. Wish me luck you experts and well wishers. Thanks. :hubba:
Screw :mad: cant repost pics I've posted already, so I just took some new one's.

7-23-12, Just picked up some organic Espoma Plant Tone, thought I'd start at 1.5 tbls per 1.5 gallon water.

7-29-12, I took the oppurtunity and FIM'd all 6 plant tops today, first time ever I've done this.

I took the magnifying glass out today, 5 look like females, 1 has a weird ball shaped thingy with a "scab" on the end. Not sure what that is, maybe Mother Nature, IDK.

I mulched the area with some homemade mulch, to better hold on to what moisture we're getting. Its harder and harder to keep watering. I let it go the whole week, except right after x-planting, without water. Dry spell's and such.

Feeling pretty good about my chances this year. All, except one, are better than 24" now, they rocketed up after x-planting.

7-31-12, Thanks for the well wish's all. Mojo abounds around these parts. :)
Just an after thought -

Do these look like Indicas to you all?

I understand that Indicas work better for pain - nerve compression and multiple back surgery's- than Sativas.

The bag I pulled them from was pretty frosty and all, and worked so-so.
Thanks again all, enjoy the night. GH.

8-5-12, 46 days old today - popped on 6-21-12.
I snipped the small shoots coming off of the lower fan leaves. I understand the plants wont miss them and will focus more on vegging up high. :hubba:

Pic #1, is this a male? I should have taken a better profile shot, but it is what is it is.

The rest are results of FIMMING last week, did I do it right? Looks like the leaves are growing. ?????

The white stuff is Sevin dust. Bear with me guys, on my scrips and a little zapped.

New pics to follow shortly.

ok, question #1, does it look like I FIM'd these correctly? Its been about a week since I did it.
question #2, Sativa or Indica? I'm thinking Indica, but I really dont know.
question #3,how am I doing, overall?
Thanks for looking. :clap:
Hi Gregg, good to see your OD effort going along nicely . . . hopefully in a couple months you will have some good natural meds to get zapped on !!

The FIMs, you get to know after doing a few. The main thing you want to see is that the main stem splits and quits, and then multiple branches emerge from the cut. It looks from the pics that you have succeeded . . . except for that one, the first pic in post #5 . . . it looks like you may have cut that one a little too high and it's still growing to one main stem. They should be transitioning to flower by now, so if I were you I would just leave that one to grow to a single cola . . . it's a bit too late to cut it again IMO. No problem, just one big top bud is good with me !!

IMO you probably have a hybrid of some sort there, the leaflets are quite wide and more indica-like, but the stem structure and internodal length look a bit more on the sativa side.

Looks like you got a bit of a late start, but Im guessing that what you learn this year will spur you on and lead to some research and better preparation for next year. You will probably go online and order some top-shelf beans, start them inside during April, transplant them outside in May, and have some six footers:) Let us know how they're doing !!

jm2c :48:
I did get a late start this year, your right.
I started some seeds in April, outside, did the best I could, but.......

Still having some health problems and they were the last thing on my mind at the time - failed back surgery with nerve damage.

When I felt better I started again with these results. This actually my 3rd grow. I did my first last year and learned a lot. A whole lot.

This year I cleared a patch in order to get the full benefit of the sun. They get about 5 or 6 hours of direct sunlight everyday its shining.

I checked them out tonight. I think I see some branching from the Fim'ing. I'll try and get some pics tomorrow.

It will be interesting to see how they progress if they are a hybrid. I water with 1 1.5 gallon jug for all six plants every 2 or 3 days now, when it doesnt rain. I have only mixed the Espoma 1 time so far - light mix, and used Miracle grow a couple times, its what I had. :eek:

I will probably mix some more Espoma in this weekend, if not sooner. They are just rocketing up everyday now. I like gardening in general, making things grow. But I am amazed at how fast this little garden is growing.

Thank Dan, I always appreciate hearing and learning new things.
I am using this a a supplement to my scrips, hopefully to stop using Big Pharma all together , I hope. I hate taking chemical drugs, even though they help, some, I am becoming addicted to opiates, my Doc knows this and keeps pumping them into me - so to speak, they're pills.

Thank you man, rep inbound brother. :cool:
Since you say they are "rocketing up", you're probably witnessing the stretch, the first two weeks of very rapid growth as they transition into the flowering part of the cycle. I think you will probably see a few nice white pistils start popping out of the growing shoots within 10 days or so, then the vertical growth will slow and they will commence to putting on some buds !!

I feel ya on the back problems, I have a couple bulging disks too and the sciatic nerve down my left leg is all fired up. Next year, get a good medical strain . . . it gives me more relief than anything the doc wants to get me on . . . hope you can crop some buds and get some relief too
promised pics
pic #4, you can see where my FIM cuts are, and how they've grown




:headbang2: :headbang2: :hubba:
overall, I am pleased with my meager efforts. I am learning so much from you guys, and its paying off big time. A great big thanks to all.




Looking good. I too am grateful for all the cool helpful folks here at MP.
My plants would not be beautifully bushy and green without all the advice and great posts.
I tried my first FIM's this time too and some of my plants are going positively crazy. One even split into 3.
green mojo to you
tastyness said:
Looking good. I too am grateful for all the cool helpful folks here at MP.
My plants would not be beautifully bushy and green without all the advice and great posts.
I tried my first FIM's this time too and some of my plants are going positively crazy. One even split into 3.
green mojo to you
The rest, if they're only putting out 2, weren't FIM'd properly, if this is the case. They were topped, which results in only 2 cola's forming. Try leaving about 15% of the plant material on the stem when you cut the top growth. It's a pain to get a hold of, but once you do, your plants will stay short and bushy. And boy will they produce. I had a 4.5 foot plant yield 6.5oz, and a 2 foot plant yield nearly 2oz. The smaller plant wasnt FIM'd near as much as the large one, but even a couple FIM'mings on it proved to boost its produce a bit.
hey gn, good to see ya . . . let's help this guy out man, he needs his meds !!
Are you saying that if there are now 4 branches coming off where I did the FIM on the top- I got it wrong? Anyone got some pictures of properly FIM'd plants vs. topped plants?
If 4 branches grow from the point of the cut, you did real good . . . if only 2 branches grow from the point of the cut, you cut just a bit too low . . . if no branches grow from the point of the cut and the two branches below the cut begin to take off, you cut way too low and topped the plant . . . if the plant does not split at all and continues growing to one main stem, you cut too high and completely missed the fim

I got three branches outta the cut on one of mine . . . so whats that like a B minus ?? :joint:
Looks like you nailed it Dan, do I see flowers here?


More pics from today, some might be "almost duplicates", my camera battery died half way thru, I just took took them over.

We got .75" of rain just today. I went out after dark last night, and mixed a solo cup (Red :D) of Espoma Plant Tone into the dirt above the root ball, and gave them 2.5 gallons of water between the 6 plants. If they are flowering, or pre-flowering, what do I do now? Nothing but keep watering as usual? Feed them some "Flower Food"? - If there is such a thing? Anyway, here are the pics, as usual, I am open to any and all advice.






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