MY first grow.CFL'S

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2009
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I had started A journal last month but couldn't get pictures up so I never updated it.I now figured out how to post pictures so here they are.I am using a 3.5ft x 6ft area 5ft tall.Lights are on 24/7.I have a mix of cfl's.4 62 watt 4400lumen apiece 6500k,and 8 42 watt 2700k.I have a 4inch intake fan and 2 exhaust fans a 4inch and an 8inch duct fan both vented into my attic.I have the inside wrapped with a mylar type material used as emergency blankets.Some people discouraged this but it seems to work well for me.Temps run between 70 and 80 degrees with humidity around 55%.I have 12 plants at the moment all in various stages of growth.All bagseed with the exception of one "FEM" Alaskan Ice that is about 2 weeks old.They are all in FF ocean Forest soil, some in 3 gallon pots the rest still need to be transplanted to larger.The first one's sprouted on 7/23.Those 4 just began the 12/12 cycle 2 days ago.The others are still in veg for a couple more weeks.I have a closet I use for the dark cycle.I have a bottle of FF big Bloom I will start feeding to the 12/12 plants next feeding.I am hoping for some females.

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Here are some more pics they would not all fit the first time.I have also been experimenting with topping some of the younger plants(pic2 in first posting).I use the white stones to help with humidity and so the water doesn't make holes in the soil when I water them.Let me know how I am doing guys.Good Bad or Ugly I want to hear it.






So after 1 week in flowering I know for sure that I have at least one female out of the 4 that I started on 12/12.She has a few white hairs growing out of a little pre-flower.I believe another one may be too but not 100% yet.The others don't seem to be showing anything yet.

I Have a plant that was given to me of unknown strain, it is outside and been through hell.It turned out to be female though it doesn't have too many bud sites.the hairs are white, purplish and orangey.I put the male auto blueberry outside with it in hopes of getting a few blueberry mix seeds.I will post my results.

Here are a few more pics.At this point I am still using my phone because I got baked on the way to go fishing one day and ended up running over my digital camera after I set that and the worms on the tire while I pulled the boat out of the truck at the launch.I hopped back in to move the truck out of the way and remembered where the camera was as I was driving over it.The worms survived and the memory card from the camera did also the camera on the other hand was not so lucky.The wife wasn't to happy when I got home but she got over it.She always does.I am working on a new camera.

All the plants in black pots are in 12/12 getting ff big bloom every watering the rest are still vegging.Pic 4 shows the only know strain, a "fem" alaskan ice.pic 6 is a plant i have been topping quite a bit.Last pic was trying to show the hairs but my camera is no good.












So, I was able to get my hands on a digital camera for a while and tookk some new pictures of my grow thus far.Please tell me how I am doing for my first time.

I have 8 plants now.I have 5 right now that I know for sure are females.
They are all in 12/12 light now from seed to harvest,because of my space and schedule.I will grow like this until I can see if it produces enough bud to have a constant supply with my space available.If I am not happy with the results I will have to rethink my setup and try to build another closet somewhere.

First and fourth pics are of a couple of plants I had topped a few times.They are yet to show sex.

Second pic is the only plant I have left that was from my first set of seedlings the other 3 were males and got to meet my compost pile.

Pictures five and six is the only plant left from the 5 seeds I bought, It is a Fem Alaskan Ice.3 didn't germ and the fem auto blueberry was male as well.I have an old hippy friend that took this plant to make some seeds with the 2 girls he has.I will be getting some of those.I also hope to have pollenated a girl I have out side.We will see

Picture 10 is of two plants that are the same age,one on left is in ff one on right is in mg.You can see the difference in the 2 plants is very obvious.I know the one on the left is in a bigger pot but that was just done recently, it had been in the same size pot before hand with ff.

The rest are just randoms in various stages of growth.I tried to take a pic of one that is starting to develop some serious white hairs but the camera is not great for zooming in.

Let me know what you think.

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Here are a few pics of the plant I have outdoors that was all but dead a few months ago.As you can see she is very yellow looking.Has a few Little buds, I put the male blueberry auto next to her for a few days I hope he pollenated her before I gave him away.Does this strain look familiar to anyone?I haven't a clue what it is.

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Looks like they are coming right along.
I use stones like that too.
Got some 5 gal buckets?

Green Mojo!!


I don't have any larger buckets at the moment but I Plan to get them transplanted very soon, It is a 60 mile ride to go get more ff ocean forest.I got rid of all my rocks because I found it was a nesting spot for a ton of spider mites when I went to transplant them.
Hello Frankcos :)

Are you feeding the outside plant any food?

I have been giving it some ff big bloom since I noticed it started budding before that I thought it was a lost cause, I got it from a friend half dead, nursed it back and put it outside, next day in came the heavy rain and wiped it out and last I had left it I propped it up still soaked and covered in mud and left it . I thought it was a goner until a month later when I noticed it started to grow again.The first foot and a half of the stalk is totally bare.
Hi Frankcos...

Nice looking plants! :eek: The yellow ones sure look wacky... I thoughr the color was way off on your cam... lol... at least they can't be mistaken for marijuana if somebody saw them... It would be awesome if they could come up with a strain with leaves that yellow for stealth outdoor grows...

dirtyolsouth said:
Hi Frankcos...

Nice looking plants! :eek: The yellow ones sure look wacky... I thoughr the color was way off on your cam... lol... at least they can't be mistaken for marijuana if somebody saw them... It would be awesome if they could come up with a strain with leaves that yellow for stealth outdoor grows...

Wouldn't that be something..I did try to pollinate it with a male auto blueberry,maybe I will have a bunch of yellow leafed auto blueberry plants after i get some seeds, only being a foot tall would make em even more stealty.Ya right ,:rolleyes:be cool though.
hey man looking good ill be following and see what i can learn keep it green
J Cakes said:
hey man looking good ill be following and see what i can learn keep it green
Thanks man.I am still a noob too, but we can learn from my trial and error.
So Decided to take some clones off my ladies a few days ago but never thought that now that I am on 12/12 from a-z that they would just keep flowering.Thanks guys for clueing me in.So I came up with this little sterlite plastic container rig that I spray painted white inside to house my clones.Only time will tell how good it works if at all.There are a few other pics of the flowers starting to appear on a few of my girls and a few other randoms.

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Just a couple pics of my girl that is furthest along.24 days into flowering.

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