I can think of several reasons I've thought over sending this letter and thinking maybe it wasn't a good idea for me before I ever posted the idea.
I run/own a pretty large business. It employees a lot of people. Most of these people would drop a big one in their drawers if they knew I smoked weed.
I've thought about "What if Obama gets pissed and tells the FBI to investigate "every one of them". If my involvement was recognised in my areas of work, it could ruin me.
That alone almost made me stop.
At that point, only the person who it will affect has any real say in how they think on that.
I said "Screw it" I have enough money. I'm an old *******, as I've been told recently, and there is a chance that my employees might mostly not care.
I've thought about retiring at 80, but I think I'd get bored. My letter will be sent at high noon, January 20th, 2010. That's when my mail is picked up by the person taking it to the main post office.
I also thought about my family. I have another great-great coming soon.
Hell, if one of my little ones were to be abused by someone making fun of her/him because of what I did, it would ruin me.
Then I thought as I always have; "I'll speak to them as one person to another and explain the entire situation to them." It's always worked so far, so why would it matter then?
January 20th, 2010, my letter to President Obama is on it's way. I doubt my letter will ever even be looked at by the President, but I think it's subject matter will be counted and relayed to him as a running total.
For those who have chosen to never do this, I understand that each of us has their own reasons for doing what we do. I respect yours.