OK I want to show you how I built my aero system. It's nothing new and there are a ton of different types and ways to do it. I will walk you through my system, it may not be the best, and it's not set in stone so feel free to experiment with other ways and or parts. And if your wondering my unit is not attached to anything I am going for versatility with these units too. That way you can expand or run a perpetual system, hang them vertically. And these units work from seed to the end or clone till the end...no need for a cloner or extra space to clone.
OK let's start with supplies, and this will vary from person to person depending on how many rails you build.
-Vinyl fence post or PVC doesn't matter really, I use fence cause they are flat.
-Post endcaps
-Hole Saw (size varies on size of net cup, I use 2" netcups)
-Drill Bits (a bit smaller than the misters is best I can't recall of the top of my head what size I used, I will look into it tomorrow)
-1/2" hose
-1/4" hose
-1/4 inch connectors (Ts,elbows and straight connectors)
- 1/2" connectors (same as the 1/4" connectors)
-Water Pump
-something to support the rails (really up to you, I use sawhorses or two totes)
-duct tape
-neoprene inserts (once again depends on size of netcup)
To see the commercial version of what we are trying to copy go here, they are expensive LOL
OK let's start with supplies, and this will vary from person to person depending on how many rails you build.
-Vinyl fence post or PVC doesn't matter really, I use fence cause they are flat.
-Post endcaps
-Hole Saw (size varies on size of net cup, I use 2" netcups)
-Drill Bits (a bit smaller than the misters is best I can't recall of the top of my head what size I used, I will look into it tomorrow)
-1/2" hose
-1/4" hose
-1/4 inch connectors (Ts,elbows and straight connectors)
- 1/2" connectors (same as the 1/4" connectors)
-Water Pump
-something to support the rails (really up to you, I use sawhorses or two totes)
-duct tape
-neoprene inserts (once again depends on size of netcup)
To see the commercial version of what we are trying to copy go here, they are expensive LOL