Outdoor 16 oz plastic cup grow??

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Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
East Coast
hey yall have seen the inside growing section 16oz plastic cup grow hey i was think of starting one of those but outside instead of inside anyone want in??
Hey kb with that small a pot when the weather gets really hot your going to have to water three times a day. And there going to get stunted. Slim
its to cold for me to start outside. But i could start one in the window then when its time i can put it out side. it was 60 today and it will be 70 tomorrow but then its suposed to get cold again so i would have no chance out side now. lol so let me know if we can start it in a window if so im in ok. good luck with more ppl
Ya I just checked my 10-Day forcast and I'm getting down into the 50's this fri through sun... I'm definately in though if we start in like sometime between a week and 3 weeks or whenever everyones ready.
well if we can star in the window and then bring them out in april as long as it dont snow lol never know here lol i live in the mass area
well, technically if your growing in your window and your growing your plant on just sunlight then i dont see a problem with it... Your gonna have to ask Kindbud though cus he started the thread.
Ill right yeah you can grow in your window seals but no exter light just sunlight and no preference just a 16oz cup like a beer cup dont matter as long as it is 16oz it gets down into the 35's and my plants are doing fine out their i put a 1 litter bottle ove them when it gets cold and it helps them out i got a grow journal up check it out here is the link http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10561
ok and ill be staring another page just for the grow and more info on it peace
ok im in. this is gonna be great im gonna have two plants going in 16oz cups one indoors and one out:eek: this is gonna be fun to watch seeing the difference between the two. i think im gonna use the one and only seed that i got out of my skunk plant that i harvest a month ago ok im gonna go and get this started sun rise is early lol will have to get up around TBGs time lol peace. Oh and thanx for the idea bro
i dont remember the exact date of my growth or the size of my cups but im in by default since the cold outside hasnt left.
i could join in but my seeds are already planted in small cups when it comes time to transplant ill put 1 of them in a 16oz cup if thats satisfactory
Can I join?My setup is a lil dif>it's a ghetto DWC setup in a soda bottle.lol.But i'll only be using sunlight and my window ledges.

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