Ok...here we go bro. Without even looking at the pics, I can suggest that Alaskan fish ferts by themselves could create some problems. I know for one thing, the goop is 4.5 ph right out of the bottle, they adjust it this way to stop fermentation (bottles exploding on the shelves). I also know that other than macros, it doesn't really add anything but sulphur, are you using tap? So, it sounds like deficiency either way, trace/micros, low ph, or that 5-1-1 is not the greatest veg combo (lacking P & K).
I use fishy ferts on nearly every feeding, BUT I use it in a very different way. By bubbling my mix for 24 - 48 hours and adding microbial innoculants, I get the microbes working on breaking down the insoluables in fish ferts, to an immediately available form for the plant.
Basically, you need a source of P & K in there, to get you closer to 5-5-4 IMO, a kelp or seaweed solution would do this, some earthworm casings and molasses would do the same. Even a very weak bloom solution would get you closer. Then you need to make sure you have your micros covered, calcium, Mg etc.