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Old School
May 27, 2006
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Dec. 26 I fed them their weekly 1/2 strength Alaska Brand 5-1-1 Fish Emulsion, only water since. For more info see my journal. They are getting worst very quickly...WTF?:confused2: Somebody help me?


Overwatering. Those leaves look classic except they seem to be hitting newer leaves?

I have no idea why if you're feeding them weekly. Are you watering inbetween?

I dunno dude, but I had the exact same presentation. It does not look like nute burn.
well the last time I fed them was Dec. 26th I gave them water almost 4 days ago, and tonight. I judge by weight, and I used Miricle Grow 'Organic Choice' soil, with about 1/3 perlite, w/ a layer of rock in the bottom for drainage.
Ok...here we go bro. Without even looking at the pics, I can suggest that Alaskan fish ferts by themselves could create some problems. I know for one thing, the goop is 4.5 ph right out of the bottle, they adjust it this way to stop fermentation (bottles exploding on the shelves). I also know that other than macros, it doesn't really add anything but sulphur, are you using tap? So, it sounds like deficiency either way, trace/micros, low ph, or that 5-1-1 is not the greatest veg combo (lacking P & K).

I use fishy ferts on nearly every feeding, BUT I use it in a very different way. By bubbling my mix for 24 - 48 hours and adding microbial innoculants, I get the microbes working on breaking down the insoluables in fish ferts, to an immediately available form for the plant.

Basically, you need a source of P & K in there, to get you closer to 5-5-4 IMO, a kelp or seaweed solution would do this, some earthworm casings and molasses would do the same. Even a very weak bloom solution would get you closer. Then you need to make sure you have your micros covered, calcium, Mg etc.
I'd agree with the ph comment.... Those plants look identical to what happened to mine when the ph was around 5 or lower.
Thanks for helping guys. This $12 Ph meter from lowes must not be accurate...it's reading 6.8 on one and 7 one the other. I have the alaska brand 0-10-10 bloom formula that I could mix with the 5-1-1,with a bubbler, If you think it'll help, or for the sake of keeping my plants alive I'd be willing to use some non organics, Peters 5-10-5..? I am using tap water which reads about 6.9. This is making me crazy!!

leech the soil and go with the peters :) start with low strenth feeding them with every water give them a rest with just water once a week 2 if watering often.

make sure your giving the soil time to dry out a bit before watering or to much water/nutes overwhealms the roots and causes them to lock up and not take in any nutrients/water.
Thanks for helping guys. This $12 Ph meter from lowes must not be accurate...it's reading 6.8 on one and 7 one the other. I have the alaska brand 0-10-10 bloom formula that I could mix with the 5-1-1,with a bubbler, If you think it'll help, or for the sake of keeping my plants alive I'd be willing to use some non organics, Peters 5-10-5..? I am using tap water which reads about 6.9. This is making me crazy!!

Ok...don't concern yourself too much with your ph, fish ferts may not bring high alkaline tap water down enough to be hurting your ph. Next time you mix some up, for curiousity sake, check your ph after. If it isn't a deficiency from lockout, I am still betting it is a deficiency...probably P.

I think if you add your 0-10-10 bloom ferts at about 1/3 strength to your fish ferts, should get you around 5-4-4...pretty good veg formula...see what I mean? Are they liquid or pelletized? May have to crush pellets and steep in hot water to get a faster reaction.

What else is in your bloom ferts? Any Ca or Mg? We need to make sure you have your micros covered too, may need to mix in some epsom salts or something to bring those up. You may be getting them from your tap water...best to apply the epsom as a foliar I think.

You could switch over entirely to the Peters, as cdblop suggested, but I thought I would continue to offer help in staying organic if this is your intentions. No disrespect to any other posters adding advice.;)
I'll start by flushing the soil tonight, the bloom formula is also Alaska brand 0-10-10 (liquid) I would like to stay away from chemicals if possible so I'll mix the 5-1-1 and the 0-10-10 and give them a dose as soon as the soil dries from the flush...Hope this works. Thanks guys.
STILL NO IMPROVEMENT. I flushed 'em out on Jan. 14th, then on Jan. 18th I fed them a 5-1-1/0-10-10 mixed fish ferts at 1/3 strength. You would think they were under 12/12 with all the pistills and sugar leaves. This is really ticking me off, I hope someone can help.:mad:


Well if this cheap *** soil tester(pictured above) is at all accurate in the liquid its almost 7... I need a digital meter, but they aint cheap mang.
This problem has been going on for too long, I dont want to take clones from a sickly donor so this is a huge set-back guys, HELP ME!!!
Sweet, post number 420...Thats going in my journal.

Old School

Join Date: May 2006
Location: The world is flat.
Posts: 420
TURKEYNECK has a brilliant future
say bro.... looks like the N-P-K is fooked like

to much N can lock out others.... try a 3-2-1 mix and see how they do....

might take a week or 2 see a diff like' and then try a 1-2-3 mix for flower

20-20-20 is easy to mix and match to get the results ya need;)

1/2 tps of E-salt per gallon of water work's the charm as a foiler feed
grow on
Thanks for the reply HGB, I have the 5-1-1 fish ferts, and the 0-10-10 morbloom both Alaska Brand, Not sure if I can achieve the 3-2-1....

I may just flush 'em good again, and switch to the Peters 5-10-5(1/4 or 1/3mix)
What do you guys think?
My Skunks are sicker than ever! After my last post I flushed 'em out and fed 'em the peters 5-10-5 at about 1/4 strength, then plain water as needed(which isnt often)
On the 15th of this month I transplanted them into 5 gallon containers in the organic soil/perlite mix, moved 'em from the 24/7 fluro into 18/6 400MH. temps under the 400mh stay under 80* PH is about 6.9, I havent tested run off PH because the I only have a soil tester. I dont know what to do guys. Hope someone can help. At this point Ive invested to much time and money to just let them go, I know this must be a weak strain, so if I can just get them back to health I plan flower 'em out, roll 'em up and set 'em on fire. Frustrating.:mad:

It looks like too much water AND a lil nute burn. What you should do is let the pots dry out 1st, then flush it with ph adjusted water. DON'T give it any ferts for a couple of waterings, then on the third try giving it ferts. In soil you only give ferts on every third watering, like so...ferts, water, water, ferts, water, water, etc.
Someone else called it overwatering too, they've been sick for a while with super slowed growth so they havent been using much water, I judge by weight. I cant see how I could possibly be overwatering.....Ive been giving them water about once a week, probably longer than that really. Any other ideas?
Skunks are hungry little girls... they will take a lot of nutes and lots of abuse. To me it looks like the nute burn happened a while ago and has been over corrected... leading to a deficiency. Mainly nitrogen now. I see some calcium def. too I think. OR it could be lockout leading to deficiencies. Either way there is a problem in the soil. Give it plain, pH adjusted water for a couple waterings and foliar feed it with a lite nutrient solution... That would be my plan of attack anyways.

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