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  1. NewbOldster

    Reefer Madness - Extremely Worrisome Data.

    I shoulda been either psychotic or dead by now. 14 when I smoked my first joint. Didn't even get a buzz 'til the third time. There's hardly been a couple years in my entire life that I haven't smoked weed. I've always been a lightweight, though. Quit cigarettes 20 years ago. Smoking anything is...
  2. NewbOldster

    Happy Birthday, Dad.

    He would have been 91 today. Born smack dab in the middle of the Great Depression, his own father left when dad was just nine years old, never to be heard from again. He grew up extremely hard, and he raised his kids the same way. Dad had his demons, and he had a temper when he was younger. We...
  3. NewbOldster

    This might be Old News to you Old Timers...

    But I found it fascinating, and it's pretty explanatory, as well. 30 minutes, and I can't help the interruptions. Time well spent, in my humble opinion. Especially for those who are dunder-headed about this stuff, like I am.
  4. NewbOldster

    pH and NPK Testers/Testing

    Seeing as I'm brand new to this growing game, and I'm also as yet unsure how much energy I'm willing to devote to it, (but want to 'do it right' when-and-wherever possible) I have a question about pH meters/testing. I have two methods I'm using right now, but neither are offering me any kind...
  5. NewbOldster

    I have some sad news. Not for the faint of heart.

    I don't have a feeder for birds in my yard. I like birds just fine, but don't want to deal with the squirrels and the dead grass under the feeder. Been there done that. I do, however, have seed-producing plants that birds like. One of those is a wild grass right outside my back door, and I...
  6. NewbOldster

    Defeat. Deduct. Defense. Detail.

    Make a single cogent sentence using those four words in that order. Winner gets...well...honors. You may begin.
  7. NewbOldster

    11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month

    I know there are some veterans here. I lost a cousin and a dear friend to the 'Nam 'conflict', and another cousin married one of the first combat troops into that country (173rd Airborne Brigade), suffering through years of his personal anguish from his experiences there. Many veterans return...
  8. NewbOldster

    Woke up, got out of bed...

    ...and turned on GRIT TV for white noise (like usual) as I go through my normal morning routine of coffee, news, and an apple turnover or a bagel. The 6AM movie is one I've never seen before entitled "The Dalton Girls" (1957). It was filmed around Kanab, Utah - near the Zion National Park and...
  9. NewbOldster


    Don't forget to turn your clocks back Sunday morning. (PSA brought to you by one who is unaffected by the time changes)
  10. NewbOldster

    Think you're tough?

    This guy's a fan of magic mushrooms.
  11. NewbOldster

    Miss Cat's Purple Fishnet Stockings

    Lengthy, but you're not forced to read it. "Miss Cat" was Catherine. She was a drop-dead gorgeous strawberry blonde with all the right curves in all the right places, and a smile that all by itself would make a dead Mick Jagger. I was lead mechanic at a small full service...
  12. NewbOldster

    On This Date In History

    Today in history is not only my remaining sister's birthday, it's also the date that the East and West Coasts of America were finally connected via the Transcontinental Telegraph, in 1861. .... .. ... - --- .-. -.-- .. ... ..-. ..- -. -.-.--
  13. NewbOldster

    Welp, stick a fork in me. I'm done.

    I've passed two milestones this morning. #1. When you're in a hurry, and you can't find the butter knife - using your razor sharp Benchmade Barrage to spread cream cheese on your morning bagel can be a challenge - made worse when you mindlessly try to lick the excess cheese off the, again...
  14. NewbOldster

    Awright...I gotta p i ss moan and complain.

    'Cause I'm gettin' old, I reckon. Took my wife to the eye doctor today. It's usually a 1-1.5 hour appointment, so today I took a book, which I'M TRYING TO READ! Ahem. Anyway. Irony, is me trying to read the book in a waiting room with maybe 8 people in it, then three more come in and sit...
  15. NewbOldster

    Posted Without Comment ;-)

    Except to came yestiddy. I'll get to it this weekend. 🤓
  16. NewbOldster


    Avast, ye maties! Batten down the hatches! Down a clap of thunder! Hear ye, hear ye, one and all, lest ye scallywags be keel-hauled or plank-walked to the briny deep. Arrrggghhh! This day be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, aye 'tis. As ye carousers follow yer quest fer booty this fine...
  17. NewbOldster

    Spiders on your plants

    I was looking at my poor decrepit plant a little while ago - and I found a spider! Small guy, about the size of my little fingernail. I have no fear of spiders, and I think they're great pest control. So I generally leave them alone. Are they beneficial to cannabis as far as insect control...
  18. NewbOldster

    Smoking wood. And meat.

    I went up to my favorite local overpriced smoking wood store yesterday to get some cherry because I'm almost out. All they had were small bags of chunks (less than 5 lbs) for $13.99. :oops: The store owner told me it was because of the heat this summer - the lumbermen didn't want to go out in...
  19. NewbOldster

    How much do you smoke?

    I've seen mention of multiple joints smoked per day by posters. Me, I reckon I'm a real lightweight - I use a little pipe I made out of apple wood, and if I'm not doing much I'll hit it maybe 4 or 5 times/day. Maybe a little more if there's likker involved, though not much more. Also, what is...
  20. NewbOldster

    Sunday Morning Story?

    My tales are true ones - I'm not bright enough to make stuff up. 🥴 (This story may not be for the easily squeamish; just sayin'.) I divorced my first wife in '87, after 8 years of misery. She liked to spend money, but in those eight years she never worked a steady job. Partially as a result...