Lougies Microtent Grow - Nirvana AK48 fems

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DWC Grower
Apr 26, 2007
Reaction score
Will update with more info later:::

My kit from HTG supply should be delivered today :watchplant: , planning on 2 DWC units.

seeds through Nirvana, should be here in a week or two

Cant wait to get started! :D
Git r' done bud. :aok: Any ?'s just post away.... :smoke1: :bolt:

Do you have a proper drying area? That's something to consider. for that matter you have a veg and bloom rooms or are you just doing "runs" and using the room an a drying chamber?

I don't have a drying area... I am intending on just doing veg/flower in the same space.. I will be running MH 18/6 for veg and switching to HPS 12/12 for flower.

Should I look into making some drying racks? I am kind of space limited... any examples of some cool little dry chambers?
sheesh I just hang mine sideways like off of an old used set of drawers...lol...heavy twine would work to hang off of or yeah, I guess if you wanted to unclench a few denero those rack's seem to help ppl alot. Probably be a better way to economize your space at the very least.

I dry my buds till there snappable dry (w/ an oscillating fan to move air in the room), trim what lil leaf there is and cut them into their component pieces into boxes/or skip that depending on how lazy I'm feeling and straight to the jars they go.


I'm gonna stay tuned till I see some of your bud porn guy.
The gear all arrived!

Setup is going well, got the tent in the closet (tight fit). Heading to the hardware store sometime today to get some more duct tape & a saw blade to cut the holes in the wall for flex vent pipes.

At first glance everything from HTG supply looks awesome! Not one mistake in a big order, all items look well made.

Still waiting on my Foxfarms hydro nutes to show up as well as my 5 seeds.

Need advice!
2 bubble buckets or 3?! Is more plants going to yield more, or more space for the plants. 3.5 gal buckets, 22"x36"x63" tent space. It looks as though 3 buckets would fit fine...

:) :ccc:

setting up.jpg

setting up 2.jpg
Verrrry nice, and clean setup. HTG def know what they're doing.

Are you excited to plop yer beans?

Yeah you'll want to make sure the girls have enough room around them to breath, so to speak, so you don't want them on top of each other or blocking each others light. Thats as good as I can give you. There's other's here that can crunch your (room dimension) numbers but thats the rule I follow....EDIT: I've also went around my girls under the 1kwhps and checked to make sure they were receiving optimal lumens (5k) and anything that fell below got the chop....

I'm strictly a dirt duderino, but I do use FF products and love their results.:aok:

p.s. What's the wattage of your light?
I think you could put 3 plants in there.

Your setup looks great. You may not need an inlet fan. You may have a little trouble keeping it cool enough without an air cooled hood. You will have to do a test run and see how temps get.

I would run the veg lights 24/7. Cannabis does not need a dark period and will grow all the time it has light and proper environment. It will cut down your veg time.
7greeneyes said:
p.s. What's the wattage of your light?

400 watts

The Hemp Goddess said:
I think you could put 3 plants in there.

I would run the veg lights 24/7

Just ordered a third bubble system :cool:
Will do the 24/7 veg
Inlet fan may be necessary with the HEPA filter???

Fox farm nutes showed up today :yay: , also just placed an order for a 3rd bubble bucket to see if I can fit it in there. Also decided to buy a HEPA 6" air filter to put on my air intake, don't want bugs or mold spores.

Made my trip to the hardware store this afternoon, and picked up a nice new sawzall some duct tape and some hooks, will finish the setup tonight if possible. :farm:
Setup complete! :yay:

Will be running a trial period to monitor temps until my seeds show up ;)

This next Monday my third bubble bucket and HEPA intake filter will show up. Im hoping that three isn't too tight in the tent, the walls have sucked in a bit from all the air pressure.

Anyone have any tips to keep the walls from sucking in so much (while still having fan speeds on med-high).

Thanks for the advice guys/gals!

as always, :bongin:






I will be following your journal. I just recently grew out ak48 and I'm curious how our results will compare. Green mojo to ya :48:
Very nicely done Nirvana ;)
Thanks for all the helpful tips so far everyone, hope to have some good green in a few months :farm: :farm: :farm:

5 seeds showed up, great packaging.

Using the damp paper towl, ziplock technique to germinate.


What method would you recommend using for growing the seedlings if they are to end up in a DWC basket with hydrostones? Do I need to get rockwool cubes?

Thanks for all your help!

Great success! 3/3 of the seeds rooted. I decided to pick up some rapid rooters thanks to THG, smallest pack at my local hydro shop was a 50 pack with dome. Sealed up the extras in a zip lock, hopefully I can use them later.

I transferred the little seeds to the rapid rooter dome yesterday morning, they are looking good. I stuffed a little wad of damp paper towel in with little seeds because I was worried about them drying out too much. (They are under a 400 watt MH about 4 foot distance).

Temps have been very hot around here, grow room got up to 91 for a few hours. Much cooler at night though about 80 degrees.

Everything is looking great!
The weather has cooled down a little bit, allowing me to put the seedlings a bit closer to the MH 400 watt.

Temps in tent are cooled down to 75 at night, 85 during the heat of the day.

My humidity is a bit low because it has been so dry lately, 38%
I have been misting the seedlings with pH adjusted water.

:bong2: :watchplant: :stoned: :stoned::stoned: :ciao:




looks good man wish i had all those lighters right now ;) green mojo to ya temps are a big deal hope u got an a/c in the room.
also carbon filter is usually inline before your pulling fan mounted on the tent ceiling or in your case maybe mount it to the closet ceiling outside the tent as you concern is more odor escaping any way, or you could possibly mount it right on top cut a round hole and insert 8" or so of the filter vertically as you don't need that big of a filter for that tent anyway imo. That way is eventually going to recirculate used air back in if you venting it to the same room the closet is in also. So again filter first, fan p[ulling aid tru filter and exhausting in another room or outside is best. you can make a window exhaust for it would just look like you are venting a portable a/c for the summer any way. One huge plant is better then 2 or 3 i think if done right, in that space 3 is gonna be an issue i find that one plant fills a 2x2wx4"h closet.

as for drying i use a cardboard box with small air holes poked in it with one of those cooking kabob sticks used a narrow box and stuck the kabob sticks thru and hung then by the buds came out great 5 day then to the mason jar mmmmmm smellls so good i can still smell it
My metal halide bulb burnt out today. I think it must have been a dud because I was very careful with it. I contacted HTG to see if they will ship me another one, but it is the 4th today so I don't expect quick response.

I put my HPS bulb on and it blasted right up, plants look great under the HPS, tents at 78. Sprouts are almost two inches now :)
Hi MP. Im actually currently out of town on vaca, but I do have a friend helping monitor my girls.

Looks like they have been doing pretty well. Here is a couple of pics :)

Cant wait to get home to :icon_smile: :bong:

The buckets will need a full water change/nutrient refill, but I wont be home for another 3 days... Hope all is well until then!


looks like they're doing allright. Poppin popcorn and still watchin.

enjoy your vacation Lougie.

Got back from vacation this morning. Heres some pics of the new growth. Its explosive, you can almost see them growing!

All buckets just got hosed out and filled up with fresh nutes, fox farms hydro, cal mag, silica blast, a little bit of 3% hydrogen peroxide (small amount of algea build up on the oxygen tubes).

Should I begin LST yet? I was thinking I may wait another few days.

Thanks for the tips









They are looking great. I think that you may need to wait until they are a bit bigger to LST, but they are coming along just great.
Thanks all, I checked up on them this morning and they are perking up really well. They must be loving the fresh nutrients. My MH bulb should arrive today, so I'll put that in as soon as I get a chance.

I calculated my total plant space, and I have room for 31 inches of vertical plant height. My plans are to hit the switch to 12/12 at about 1 foot. I'm still not sure if I want to try topping the plants, I've never done it before. The space is very limited as well. I think that growing them up and in to the middle of the tent with some twine LST is going to be the best bet.

I'm going out of town this weekend, so will be fun to see them again in a few days! Stay happy and high friends.

any other thoughts or suggestions?